Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


J. K. Rowling

Tom Riddle, Sr. Character Analysis

Voldemort’s father, a wealthy Muggle. The sparse information Dumbledore gathers about him testifies to a selfish and unsympathetic character: in Ogden’s memory he drives by the Gaunt’s filthy cottage and laughs at the squalor in which the family lives, and later on he abandons Merope and their unborn child. Eventually, he falls victim to his son, who murders him and his parents in their home.
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Tom Riddle, Sr. Character Timeline in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

The timeline below shows where the character Tom Riddle, Sr. appears in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Ten: The House of Gaunt
...about the hovel and asking her companion why he doesn’t remove it. The young man, Tom Riddle Sr. , responds that this is the only land in the village that doesn’t belong to... (full context)
...and the son says viciously that Merope is always “hanging out the window” waiting for Tom Riddle Sr. to pass by. Furious that his daughter is “hankering after a filthy, dirt-veined Muggle,” Mr.... (full context)
...On his way down the lane, he crashes into the carriage and its handsome driver Tom Riddle Sr. , who laughs heartily at Ogden’s panic. Dumbledore tugs on Harry’s arm, pulling him out... (full context)
Moreover, Dumbledore reveals that the Muggle attacked by Morfin is Tom Riddle Sr. , Merope’s secret love and Voldemort’s father. Harry can’t believe that two such mismatched people... (full context)
Chapter Seventeen: A Sluggish Memory
Meanwhile, Voldemort travels to the village of Little Hangleton and kills his Tom Riddle Sr. and his grandparents. While the Muggle authorities are confounded by the crime, the Ministry blames... (full context)