Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


J. K. Rowling

The Hogwarts groundskeeper and Care of Magical Creatures teacher, and Harry’s longtime friend and ally. While many people look down on Hagrid for his giant blood and unmannerly demeanor, Harry values his loyalty and bravery. Hagrid is one of many demonstrations that material wealth and social status rarely correspond with good character.
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Hagrid Character Timeline in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

The timeline below shows where the character Hagrid appears in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Three: Will and Won’t
...dispose of is Sirius’s hippogriff, Buckbeak; as the animal is currently living quite happily with Hagrid, Harry and Dumbledore agree to let current arrangements stand. (full context)
Chapter Six: Draco’s Detour
...popular pub, is grim and empty. Harry and the Weasleys pass through to find that Hagrid is waiting to accompany them on their shopping and provide extra security. Everything about the... (full context)
...splits up: Ginny and her parents go to the bookstore, while Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid set off to buy new robes. When the trio enters Madam Malkin’s shop, they find... (full context)
Chapter Eight: Snape Victorious
From the head table, Harry sees Hagrid waving at him, next to a disapproving Professor McGonagall and an oblivious Professor Trelawney. It’s... (full context)
...refuses to believe that Malfoy is actually a Death Eater. The two are joined by Hagrid, who says how excited he is to see them tomorrow in his Care of Magical... (full context)
Chapter Nine: The Half-Blood Prince
Over breakfast, the trio discuss how to break it to Hagrid that they’re no longer taking his class. Next, Professor McGonagall gathers the Gryffindors to look... (full context)
Chapter Eleven: Hermione’s Helping Hand
...Potions, but only because of his textbook’s assistance. Meanwhile, the trio has neglected to visit Hagrid, and he’s giving them the cold shoulder for dropping his class. Hermione is upset about... (full context)
...new team and Hermione runs onto the pitch to congratulate Ron. As they walk towards Hagrid’s house, Ron recounts all his saves to Hermione’s increasing amusement. However, when he remarks that... (full context)
Returning from the forest, Hagrid gives the trio an angry glance and slams the door of his cabin. Harry bangs... (full context)
Chapter Twelve: Silver and Opals
...to the ground, where she continues to scream. Running for help, Harry soon collides with Hagrid and tells him that someone’s been cursed. The giant scoops up the girl and runs... (full context)
Chapter Nineteen: Elf Tails
Hagrid strides into the room, having just received the news. He’s shocked that something so bad... (full context)
As Harry walks out of the hospital wing with Hermione and Hagrid, the giant says that Dumbledore is “worried sick” about continuing attacks within the castle; it’s... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Two: After the Burial
...homework and trying to avoid Lavender. A small girl approaches with a tear-stained letter from Hagrid, announcing that Aragog has died and begging them to come to the funeral that night.... (full context)
...he can accomplish anything. To Ron and Hermione’s consternation, he announces his intention to visit Hagrid – he has a good feeling about attending Aragog’s funeral. Pulling on the Invisibility Cloak,... (full context)
...sees that Filch has forgotten to lock the front door. Impetuously deciding to walk to Hagrid’s through the vegetable patch, although it’s not on the way, he sees Slughorn gathering some... (full context)
...to reveal himself and confides smoothly to Slughorn that he’s on his way to comfort Hagrid over Aragog’s recent death. Slughorn perks up at the mention of giant spiders, whose venom... (full context)
As Hagrid leads Harry out to the pumpkin patch where he plans to bury Aragog, Slughorn arrives... (full context)
...sees valuable supplies of unicorn hair hanging from the ceiling, Slughorn devotes himself to flattering Hagrid and exchanging tales of illegal dragon egg trading. Harry refills the bottles of wine until... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Flight of the Prince
...are milling about in fright and confusion. Running onto the grounds, Harry sees fighting at Hagrid’s cabin and knows the giant is trying to prevent Death Eaters from escaping. Running past... (full context)
Hagrid’s cottage is burning, but to Harry’s relief the giant staggers out of it unharmed. Harry... (full context)
When they reach the body, Hagrid howls in grief while Harry leans down to wipe some blood off the professor’s mouth.... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Phoenix Lament
Hagrid comes into the ward, announcing that he’s moved Dumbledore’s body and Slughorn has informed the... (full context)
Along with Hagrid, the three other Heads of House arrive in the office. McGonagall asks for their opinions... (full context)
Chapter Thirty: The White Tomb
...and Ginny directs Harry’s attention to the lake where a group of merpeople are singing. Hagrid walks up the aisle between the chairs, carrying Dumbledore’s body wrapped in a shroud. (full context)