Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


J. K. Rowling

Fleur Delacour Character Analysis

Bill’s fiancée, one of the competitors in the Triwizard Tournament of Harry’s fourth year. Because she’s part veela, Fleur exercises a supernatural attraction over many men, while her somewhat smug and self-satisfied behavior engenders the animosity of Hermione and the Weasley women. Although Mrs. Weasley is at first deeply opposed to the match, the two women reconcile when Fleur demonstrates her devotion to Bill in the wake of his werewolf attack.
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Fleur Delacour Character Timeline in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

The timeline below shows where the character Fleur Delacour appears in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Five: An Excess of Phlegm
...carrying a breakfast tray for Harry. When she greets him effusively he recognizes her as Fleur Delacour, one of the contestants in the Triwizard Tournament, but he has no idea why... (full context)
Glowing with pleasure, Fleur announces that she and Bill Weasley are going to be married; she’s staying at the... (full context)
When Fleur breezes out of the room, Mrs. Weasley complains that Bill is rushing into an engagement... (full context)
...by constantly throwing Bill and Tonks together. When Ron argues that Bill will never ditch Fleur for someone “okay-looking” like Tonks, the girls take offense, pointing out that Tonks is much... (full context)
...Ginny come downstairs to help her – she clearly doesn’t want to be alone with Fleur. (full context)
...he finds her pacing in agitation while Mrs. Weasley tries to remove her bruise and Fleur looks on smugly. When Ron tries to comfort her, she wails that she knows she... (full context)
Chapter Seven: The Slug Club
Annoyed, Harry stalks downstairs, where Fleur is musing to a bad-tempered Mrs. Weasley about her wedding plans and potential colors for... (full context)
After a kiss goodbye from Fleur, Harry sets off to Kings Cross Station the next day with the rest of the... (full context)
Chapter Sixteen: A Very Frosty Christmas
...Christmas Eve, everyone gathers reluctantly to hear a radio broadcast by Mrs. Weasley’s favorite singer. Fleur talks loudly over the music, Fred and George play card games, and Mr. Weasley chats... (full context)
...They go down to breakfast, where the atmosphere is tense due to Mrs. Weasley’s and Fleur’s mutual antipathy. Ginny picks a maggot out of Harry’s hair and Mrs. Weasley asks Lupin... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Phoenix Lament
Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley burst into the hospital ward, followed by Fleur. Sobbing over her son, Mrs. Weasley starts dabbing at his wounds. When she sobs out... (full context)
...his robes and says it doesn’t matter to her that he’s a werewolf, just as Fleur doesn’t care about Bill’s bites. Suddenly, it becomes clear to Harry why Tonks has been... (full context)
Chapter Thirty: The White Tomb
...who seems largely unchanged by his bite except for a new preference for rare steaks. Fleur says it’s good he’s marrying her, as the British always overcook their meat. (full context)
...they set off they have to return to the Burrow once more, for Bill and Fleur’s wedding. Harry concurs. It seems almost incomprehensible that weddings can occur in this new world.... (full context)