

Robert Cormier

Sister Mathilde Character Analysis

Sister Mathilde is one of the local nuns who also served as teachers at the St. Jude Parochial School attended by all the Frenchtown children. Francis and Nicole meet for the first time in her 7th grade class. Sister Mathilde is especially notorious for her strict discipline and use of corporal punishments.
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Sister Mathilde Character Timeline in Heroes

The timeline below shows where the character Sister Mathilde appears in Heroes. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 15
The Simplicity of Childhood Theme Icon
His final mission now complete, Francis visits the nuns in their convent, asking for Sister Mathilde , his and Nicole’s former 7th grade teacher. He hopes that she may have kept... (full context)
Religion Theme Icon
When Sister Mathilde arrives, Francis respectfully removes his Red Sox cap and introduces himself by his real name.... (full context)
Religion Theme Icon
Thankfully for Francis, Sister Mathilde explains that Nicole and her family simply moved back to Albany. When pressed, she admits... (full context)
Religion Theme Icon
Thinking that a familiar face might be a nice surprise for Nicole, Sister Mathilde gives Francis her new address in Albany. Before Francis leaves, Sister Mathilde gently tells him... (full context)