

Carl Hiaasen

Kimberly Lou Dixon Character Analysis

Kimberly Lou Dixon is a former Miss America runner-up who plays Mother Paula in commercials. She’s also just beginning to get into film, so the hurry to break ground on the Coconut Cove Mother Paula’s site is mostly due to the fact that Dixon will start filming a new movie soon. Though she’s relatively young and gorgeous, she has an absurdly sandpapery voice. At the groundbreaking, once Roy alerts her to the burrowing owls’ existence, Dixon joins the protest. She later breaks her contract with the Mother Paula’s corporation and goes public about her lifetime membership to the Audubon Society.
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Kimberly Lou Dixon Character Timeline in Hoot

The timeline below shows where the character Kimberly Lou Dixon appears in Hoot. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 8
...and told Curly to hire guard dogs. There can be no more delays, since actress Kimberly Lou Dixon , a former Miss America contestant who portrays Mother Paula in commercials, is booked for... (full context)
Chapter 11
...years ago. During a commercial break, an ad for Mother Paula’s Pancake House comes on. Kimberly Lou Dixon is made up to look like an old woman, but she’s clearly pretty young. Will... (full context)
Chapter 15
...around the trailer before going inside to watch The Last House on Witch Boulevard III, Kimberly Lou Dixon ’s first film. It’s awful, so Curly turns on a golf tournament and falls asleep. (full context)
Chapter 16
...While Curly watches a ball game on TV, a Mother Paula’s commercial comes on. Seeing Kimberly Lou Dixon reminds Curly that he doesn’t remember if his movie is due back at Blockbuster today... (full context)
Chapter 17
...seats won’t arrive until Wednesday. Still, he shares that Wednesday is the last day that Kimberly Lou Dixon can attend the groundbreaking ceremony, so once that’s over Curly can start clearing the site.... (full context)
...Curly can tell people it’s a chicken or something. Then, Muckle says he’ll be accompanying Kimberly Lou Dixon to the groundbreaking ceremony—hopefully he and Curly will have nothing to discuss. (full context)
Chapter 19
...and says he needs assistance. Delinko offers to call for another unit, but Muckle says Kimberly Lou Dixon is in the limo. He explains to Delinko exactly who Miss Dixon is and says... (full context)
Kimberly Lou Dixon gets out of the limo. Officer Delinko is struck by how young and beautiful she... (full context)
Before Officer Delinko can share what actually happened when he caught Dana, Kimberly Lou Dixon hurtles out of the bathroom, shouting about all the roaches. Curly says they’re crickets; he’s... (full context)
Chapter 20
At 12:15, Officer Delinko, Curly, Chuck Muckle, and Kimberly Lou Dixon as Mother Paula come out of the construction trailer. Chuck Muckle clearly thinks he’s very... (full context)
Chuck Muckle, Kimberly Lou Dixon , and the local representatives each accept a gold-painted shovel and take a scoop of... (full context)
...read “Mother Paula doesn’t give a hoot about owls” and “Bird killers go home!” As Kimberly Lou Dixon says she doesn’t want to hurt owls, Chuck Muckle snatches the megaphone and tells Roy... (full context)
...Fingers says if they’re going to bury the birds, they’ll have to bury him too. Kimberly Lou Dixon says again she doesn’t want to hurt birds as Muckle commands Officer Delinko to arrest... (full context)
Shockingly, Kimberly Lou Dixon asks to join and squeezes in between Roy and Garrett. The protest goes on for... (full context)
Kimberly Lou Dixon cancels her contract with Mother Paula’s and publicizes her lifetime Audubon Society membership. Mrs. Eberhardt... (full context)