Horses of the Night


Margaret Laurence

Grandfather Connor Character Analysis

Grandfather Connor rules over the “Brick House” where he lives with his wife, Grandmother Connor. He is a harsh and unforgiving patriarch whose pointed criticisms and outbursts force the rest of the family into walking on eggshells around him. Vanessa is full of anger towards her grandfather and wishes that she, or Chris, could muster the courage to speak out against his behavior. Grandfather Connor resents Chris’s father, Uncle Wilf, for making a bad investment in a failing piece of land, and by extension resents the fact that he’s funding Chris’s three-year stay in the Brick House.

Grandfather Connor Quotes in Horses of the Night

The Horses of the Night quotes below are all either spoken by Grandfather Connor or refer to Grandfather Connor. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Dreams vs. Reality Theme Icon
Horses of the Night Quotes

This method proved to be one that Chris always used in any dealings with my grandfather. When the bludgeoning words came […] Chris never seemed, like myself, to be holding back with a terrible strained force for fear of letting go and speaking out […] He would not argue or defend himself […] He simply appeared to be absent, elsewhere.

Related Characters: Vanessa (speaker), Chris, Grandfather Connor
Page Number: 125-126
Explanation and Analysis:
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Grandfather Connor Quotes in Horses of the Night

The Horses of the Night quotes below are all either spoken by Grandfather Connor or refer to Grandfather Connor. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Dreams vs. Reality Theme Icon
Horses of the Night Quotes

This method proved to be one that Chris always used in any dealings with my grandfather. When the bludgeoning words came […] Chris never seemed, like myself, to be holding back with a terrible strained force for fear of letting go and speaking out […] He would not argue or defend himself […] He simply appeared to be absent, elsewhere.

Related Characters: Vanessa (speaker), Chris, Grandfather Connor
Page Number: 125-126
Explanation and Analysis: