Horses of the Night


Margaret Laurence

Aunt Edna returns to live with the family in Manawaka after losing her job as a secretary in Winnipeg. Like many others, she’s unable to find another job due to the Great Depression. Vanessa is especially fond of her. She calls Vanessa and Aunt Beth down to the Brick House one night when Grandfather Connor is enraged by one of Chris’s unannounced returns.
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Aunt Edna Character Timeline in Horses of the Night

The timeline below shows where the character Aunt Edna appears in Horses of the Night. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Horses of the Night
Loss of Innocence  Theme Icon
...because of the new events that begin to crop up in her life. Her Aunt Edna returns to Manawaka after being laid off and unable to find another job. Vanessa is... (full context)
Dreams vs. Reality Theme Icon
...learns how he managed with the magazines. When he comes back next, it’s winter. Aunt Edna calls Vanessa’s house and implores Beth to come down to the Brick House quick because... (full context)
Dreams vs. Reality Theme Icon
Once again Chris believes he’s found a “gold mine” with this opportunity. Edna asks who he’ll sell them to, and he insists that men who work outside always... (full context)