Minor Characters
Mrs. Brady
Brady’s quiet and supportive wife, Mrs. Brady warns her husband, repeatedly, not to eat too much or over-exert himself. Her fears become justified, later, when Brady dies of a stroke at the trial’s end.
A young girl in Hillsboro, Melinda is teased, in the opening scene, by Howard, a young boy. Howard tells Melinda that Melinda’s family descends from worms and monkeys, to her horror and dismay.
The bailiff of the city jail and court, Meeker is kind to Rachel and Cates and often arranges for the two to speak to one another in the courtroom, after hours.
Tom Davenport
Brady’s co-prosecutor and the district attorney in Hillsboro, Tom Davenport believes that religion should be taught in schools, but also is more moderate than Brady—he speaks with less flourish and seems, ultimately, relieved that, although Cates is found guilty, his punishment is light.
The Mayor
A shy but practical politician, the Mayor is initially awed by Brady’s presence in Hillsboro, but later asks the Judge to pass a light sentence on Cates, in order to make Hillsboro seem like a relatively moderate, and not a “medieval,” place.
A quiet man without much by way of formal education, the Storekeeper tells Hornbeck that he has no opinion about Darwin versus Creationism, since “opinions” don’t matter much as far as business is concerned.
Mrs. Krebs
A fervently religious woman in Hillsboro, Mrs. Krebs believes that God himself grants the hot weather and the sweat glands human use to comfort themselves in hot weather.
A religious man called to the jury, Bannister is approved by Brady because he is a religious man, and by Drummond because he cannot read—meaning he has read neither the Bible nor Darwin.
Mrs. Blair
Howard’s mother, Mrs. Blair is mostly concerned that Howard puts on a good appearance for the arrival of Brady in Hillsboro.
A young boy selling Bibles in Hillsboro, Elijah cannot read—Hornbeck jokes with Elijah during the scene of Brady’s arrival in town.
A prospective juror who says he believes in God. Drummond does not accept him as a juror.