It Ends with Us


Colleen Hoover

Lucy Character Analysis

Lucy is Lily’s roommate at the beginning of the novel. Though the two women get along okay, Lucy’s constant singing annoys Lily. Lily is relieved when Lucy moves out after getting engaged to her boyfriend, Alex. Later in the novel, Lily hires Lucy to help her in the flower shop.
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Lucy Character Timeline in It Ends with Us

The timeline below shows where the character Lucy appears in It Ends with Us. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2 
The next morning, Lily sits in the living room as her roommate Lucy runs around getting ready for work. Lucy tells Lily she is lucky to have bereavement... (full context)
Chapter 4
Lily tries to get Lucy to help her upstairs when she arrives home, but Lucy doesn’t answer her phone. When... (full context)
Chapter 5
...feels too tired to answer a knock at her door, but she gets up because Lucy is gone for the day. (full context)
Chapter 8
A few days later, Lily arrives home to find Lucy in tears. She tells Lily they need to talk. Lucy explains that she and Alex... (full context)
Chapter 12 
Back at home, the couple runs into Lucy, who is packing for her move. Ryle introduces himself as Lily’s boyfriend for the first... (full context)
Chapter 21
...leave while she waits for the baby to arrive. Lily has hired her old roommate Lucy and a new employee, Serena. Alone in her office, Lily considers all the differences she... (full context)
Chapter 35 
...answer her cell, her water breaks. Still, she picks up the call, which is from Lucy. She has some work question, which Lily answers. Lily calls Ryle once she hangs up... (full context)