Ivy Day in the Committee Room


James Joyce

The Conservative Party is an Irish political party. Unlike Nationalists, Irish Conservatives did not seek Ireland’s independence from England. Consequently, Conservatives did not worship the late Nationalist leader Charles Stewart Parnell, as most of Joyce’s characters do. Crofton, the story’s sole Conservative, is silent and resentful of his Nationalist companions. He begrudgingly canvasses for the Nationalist Richard Tierney because his preferred candidate has dropped out of the Municipal elections.

Conservatism Quotes in Ivy Day in the Committee Room

The Ivy Day in the Committee Room quotes below are all either spoken by Conservatism or refer to Conservatism. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Youth and Political Paralysis Theme Icon
Ivy Day in the Committee Room Quotes

Mr Crofton sat down on a box and looked fixedly at the other bottle on the hob. He was silent for two reasons. The first reason, sufficient in itself, was that he had nothing to say; the second reason was that he considered his companions beneath him. He had been a canvasser for Wilkins, the Conservative, but when the Conservatives had withdrawn their man and, choosing the lesser of two evils, given their support to the Nationalist candidate, he had been engaged to work for Mr Tierney.

Related Characters: Mr. Crofton
Page Number: 128
Explanation and Analysis:
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Conservatism Term Timeline in Ivy Day in the Committee Room

The timeline below shows where the term Conservatism appears in Ivy Day in the Committee Room. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Ivy Day in the Committee Room
Isolation and Discord Theme Icon
...silent; he has nothing to say and considers his companions beneath him. Crofton is a Conservative; He only supports Tierney here because, after his candidate dropped out of the race, Tierney... (full context)
Isolation and Discord Theme Icon
Morality vs. Politics Theme Icon
A cork shoots from Lyons’s stout bottle. Henchy continues to brag about the Conservative voter he won on the street, remembering the speech in which he claimed that Tierney... (full context)