Ivy Day in the Committee Room


James Joyce

An insincere flatterer.
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Shoeboy Term Timeline in Ivy Day in the Committee Room

The timeline below shows where the term Shoeboy appears in Ivy Day in the Committee Room. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Ivy Day in the Committee Room
Youth and Political Paralysis Theme Icon
...out for coal, and the men trash talk Tierney some more, calling him “the little shoeboy” and “the tinker,” and mocking Tierney’s excuses for late payment. Henchy gossips about Tierney’s humble... (full context)
Youth and Political Paralysis Theme Icon
Morality vs. Politics Theme Icon
...because Tierney has failed to send them “a dozen of stout.” Henchy again mocks the “shoeboy” Tierney, whom he has just seen at the pub. Tierney dismissed him, says Henchy, as... (full context)