Clyde shows
Mathabane around the house, and Mathabane is struck by all the things that Clyde has that Mathabane himself does not: toys, clothes, and mountains of books. Clyde gives Mathabane an advanced textbook and tells him to read it. When Mathabane can’t, Clyde calls him “retarded” and says that his teachers claim that “
Kaffirs can’t read, speak, or write English like white people because they have smaller brains.”
Mrs. Smith walks into the room as Clyde is saying this and scolds him again, saying that not everything white people teach in school is true, especially their version of South African history. Clyde’s insult makes Mathabane determined to “master English.” At the end of the day, after Mathabane helps
Granny garden, Mrs. Smith gives him some secondhand clothing and a copy of
Treasure Island to keep.