


Thomas Hobbes

Cardinal Bellarmine Character Analysis

Robert Bellarmine was a cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church during the 17th century, who wrote several books of Holy Scripture. Like Theodore Beza, Hobbes offers Cardinal Bellarmine as an example of a writer of erroneous Holy Scripture. In his writings, Bellarmine argues that St. Peter was the first bishop in Rome and that all subsequent Popes are his successors. Bellarmine also argues that the Pope’s power over all Christians is absolute, and that the Pope’s judgements are “infallible,” something that Hobbes adamantly denies.
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Cardinal Bellarmine Character Timeline in Leviathan

The timeline below shows where the character Cardinal Bellarmine appears in Leviathan. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Power, Common-wealths, and Monarchies Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
...of the Pope in Rome is universally accepted, Hobbes thinks it proper to discuss Cardinal Bellarmine and his books, De Summo Pontifice. The first of Cardinal Bellarmine’s books discusses the best... (full context)
Power, Common-wealths, and Monarchies Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
In his second book, Cardinal Bellarmine argues that St. Peter was the first bishop in Rome and that all other Popes... (full context)
Power, Common-wealths, and Monarchies Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
In Cardinal Bellarmine’s forth book, he argues that the Pope’s “Judgements are Infallible” and that Christ gave ecclesiastical... (full context)
Power, Common-wealths, and Monarchies Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
Reason, Fact, and Philosophy  Theme Icon
...Holy Scripture is interpreted, not the Pope. As for the Pope’s infallibility of judgement, Cardinal Bellarmine again cites Holy Scripture and John 16:13. “When the Spirit of truth is come, hee... (full context)
Power, Common-wealths, and Monarchies Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
To prove the Pope has power to institute laws, Cardinal Bellarmine cites Deuteronomy 7:12: “The man that will doe presumptuously, and will not hearken unto the... (full context)
Power, Common-wealths, and Monarchies Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
Cardinal Bellarmine claims the Church is like a monarchy and the Pope is the monarch, but Hobbes... (full context)
Power, Common-wealths, and Monarchies Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
...whenever he wants for whatever he wants. This is the precise argument offered by Cardinal Bellarmine and many others, Hobbes says, and Popes have historically put such power into practice. For... (full context)
Power, Common-wealths, and Monarchies Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
Cardinal Bellarmine argues that the “Civill Power” of a sovereign is subject to the “Spirituall Power” of... (full context)
Power, Common-wealths, and Monarchies Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
...and the rest of the Apostles, who will be the Judges in Christ’s Kingdome. Cardinal Bellarmine also argues that a spiritual common-wealth can take over a civil common-wealth if that common-wealth... (full context)
Power, Common-wealths, and Monarchies Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
Cardinal Bellarmine also argues that it is unlawful for Christians to obey a heretical king, and that... (full context)
Power, Common-wealths, and Monarchies Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
Hobbes examines several more examples of the Holy Scripture offered by Cardinal Bellarmine to prove his argument, and Hobbes’s conclusion each time is the same. A Pope can... (full context)
Chapter 44: Of Spirituall Darkness from MISINTERPRETATION of Scripture
Religion Theme Icon
...that contain these errors and mistaken beliefs, Hobbes explains, such as the works of Cardinal Bellarmine. Included in this list of erroneous texts are the works of Theodore Beza, although it... (full context)
Religion Theme Icon
...Upon this absence scripture is the founding of Purgatory, as it is argued by Cardinal Bellarmine. (full context)
Religion Theme Icon
Cardinal Bellarmine alleges other places within the New Testament that also prove the existence of Purgatory. For... (full context)
Religion Theme Icon
Another piece of Holy Scripture thought by Bellarmine and others to prove the existence of Purgatory is I Corinthians, in which it says:... (full context)