Mao’s Last Dancer

Mao’s Last Dancer


Li Cunxin

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Mao’s Last Dancer makes teaching easy.
Zhang Ce is a former principal dancer at the Chinese Central Ballet. He is appointed vice director of the Beijing Dance Academy by Madame Mao and her political allies; because of this connection, he is arrested after the Gang of Four come under public censure for their roles in the Cultural Revolution. Like his friend and former student Zhang Shu, he takes a liking to Li Cunxin, encouraging the young dancer in his studies.
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Zhang Ce Character Timeline in Mao’s Last Dancer

The timeline below shows where the character Zhang Ce appears in Mao’s Last Dancer. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 13: Teacher Xiao’s Words
Freedom vs. Repression  Theme Icon
Things at the academy change, too: Madame Mao’s ministers recruit new teachers, including Zhang Ce , former principal dancer of the Central Ballet, and his student, Zhang Shu. Zhang Shu... (full context)
Chapter 14: Turning Points
Opportunity, Hard Work, and Success Theme Icon
Freedom vs. Repression  Theme Icon
...But despite the ongoing political upheaval, Cunxin’s dancing catches the attention of academy vice director Zhang Ce . He has at last hit his stride. (full context)
Chapter 15: The Mango
Opportunity, Hard Work, and Success Theme Icon
Freedom vs. Repression  Theme Icon
...Gang of Four followers begin to be arrested. Cunxin watches as the current director and Zhang Ce are arrested for the crime of being appointed by Madame Mao. Despite the political upheaval,... (full context)