Mao’s Last Dancer

Mao’s Last Dancer


Li Cunxin

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Mao’s Last Dancer Characters

Li Cunxin

Li Cunxin is the second youngest of Niang’s and Dia’s seven sons. Born into a rural Chinese village at the height of a period of famine and suffering, Cunxin grows up supported by… read analysis of Li Cunxin


Fang Ruiqing is Cunxin’s niang, or mother. She enters an arranged marriage with Cunxin’s dia in 1946, after which she moves into the Li family home and has seven sons: Cuncia, Cunyuanread analysis of Niang

Teacher Xiao Shuhua

Teacher Xiao Shuha joins the Beijing Dance Academy as a dance instructor when it returns to the city limits during Li Cunxin’s second year of study. Teacher Xiao is a kind, friendly man who… read analysis of Teacher Xiao Shuhua

Mary McKendry

Mary McKendry is the Australian-born ballerina who becomes Li Cunxin’s most important dance partner and, ultimately, his wife. She is the mother of Sophie, Thomas, and Bridie Li. Cunxin and Mary… read analysis of Mary McKendry


Li Tingfang is Cunxin’s dia, or father. His family arranges his marriage to Niang in 1946, and together the couple has seven sons: Cuncia, Cunyuan, Cunmao, Cunsang, Cunfar, Cunxinread analysis of Dia
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Na-na is Li Cunxin’s paternal grandmother, the mother of his dia. She lives in the Li family commune throughout Cunxin’s childhood, supported by Dia, Fourth Uncle, and their families. Because she grew… read analysis of Na-na


Cuncia is the eldest of Niang and Dia’s sons. His brothers are Cunyuan, Cunmao, Cunsang, Cunfar, Cunxin, and Jing Tring. As a teen, he joins the Red Guardsread analysis of Cuncia


Cunyuan is the second of Niang and Dia’s sons. His brothers are Cuncia, Cunmao, Cunsang, Cunfar, Cunxin, and Jing Tring. From a young age, Cunyuan resents and resists… read analysis of Cunyuan


Cunmao is the third of Niang and Dia’s sons. His brothers are Cuncia, Cunyuan, Cunsang, Cunfar, Cunxin, and Jing Tring. However, because Fourth Uncle and Fourth Aunt are… read analysis of Cunmao


Cunsang is the fourth of Niang and Dia’s sons. His brothers are Cuncia, Cunyuan, Cunmao, Cunfar, Cunxin, and Jing Tring. When he is a baby, he suffers a… read analysis of Cunsang


Cunfar is the fifth of Niang and Dia’s sons. His brothers are Cuncia, Cunyuan, Cunmao, Cunsang, Cunxin, and Jing Tring. When they are children, Cunfar is the brother… read analysis of Cunfar

Chairman Mao

Chairman Mao is leader of the Chinese Communist Party at the time when Li Cunxin is born. After leading the Party to victory in the Chinese civil wars, Mao turns to the task of leading… read analysis of Chairman Mao

Madame Mao

Madame Mao is the commonly-used title for Jiang Qing, Chairman Mao’s fourth and final wife. A committed member of the Chinese Communist Party and a supporter of her husband’s political programs, Madame Mao rises… read analysis of Madame Mao

Ben Stevenson

Ben Stevenson is an American choreographer and the artistic director of the Houston Ballet. When Deng Xiaoping begins to allow greater cultural exchange between China and the United States, Ben travels to China with some… read analysis of Ben Stevenson

The Bandit

The Bandit, whose real name is Wang Lujun, is a student who joins Li Cunxin, Zhang Weiqiang, and Zhu Yaoping at the Beijing Dance Academy during their second year of studies. Madame Maoread analysis of The Bandit

Deng Xiaoping

Deng Xiaoping is a Chinese Communist Party official who served in various capacities under the leadership of Chairman Mao. He survived several of Mao’s political purges, even though he was exiled for a time… read analysis of Deng Xiaoping

Zhang Weiqiang

Zhang Weiqiang is a classmate of Cunxin’s at the Beijing Dance Academy. When Ben Stevenson invites the academy to nominate two dancers to attend summer dance classes with the Houston Ballet, Zhang Weiqiang is… read analysis of Zhang Weiqiang

Zhang Shu

Zhang Shu is a ballet instructor at the Beijing Dance Academy appointed as head of the ballet department after undergoing rehabilitation for alleged anti-communist views. He joins the academy alongside his former teacher, Zhang Ceread analysis of Zhang Shu

Elizabeth Mackey

Elizabeth Mackey is an 18-year-old dancer whom Cunxin meets during his second summer at the Houston Ballet Academy. They fall in love, and his decision to defect is intricately bound up in his decision to… read analysis of Elizabeth Mackey

George Bush

George Bush an American politician and the husband of Barbara Bush. At the time of the events described in Mao’s Last Dancer, he serves as an American Ambassador to the United Nations and… read analysis of George Bush

Zhang Ce

Zhang Ce is a former principal dancer at the Chinese Central Ballet. He is appointed vice director of the Beijing Dance Academy by Madame Mao and her political allies; because of this connection, he is… read analysis of Zhang Ce

Liu Fengtian

Liu Fengtian is a music student recruited by the Beijing Dance Academy; he plays violin. He strikes up a lifelong friendship with Li Cunxin and the Bandit. When Cunxin returns to China many years… read analysis of Liu Fengtian

Chen Yeun

Chen Yeun teaches Chinese folk-dancing at the Beijing Dance Academy. He is one of Li Cunxin’s favorite teachers. During Cunxin’s second year at the academy, however, Chen Yeun’s homosexuality comes to the attention of… read analysis of Chen Yeun

Lei Feng

Lei Feng is an important figure in Chinese Communist Party propaganda. A soldier in Chairman Mao’s Liberation Army, Lei Feng died in the early 1960s at the age of 21. After his death… read analysis of Lei Feng

Minister Wang

Minister Wang is a Chinese Communist Party official who works in the Ministry of Culture. He permits Cunxin and Zhang Weiqiang to attend the Houston Ballet Academy in America, and he offers permission for Cunxin… read analysis of Minister Wang

Fourth Aunt

Fourth Aunt is Fourth Uncle’s wife. When Cunxin is badly burned as an infant and develops a life-threatening infection, she saves his life with some creative medicine. Because she and Fourth Uncle cannot have… read analysis of Fourth Aunt
Minor Characters
Jing Tring
Jing Tring is the youngest of Niang and Dia’s sons. His brothers are Cuncia, Cunyuan, Cunmao, Cunsang, Cunfar, and Cunxin. When Mary and Cunxin visit Cunxin’s family in China, they attend Jing Tring’s modern Chinese wedding.
Delworth Langlinais
Delworth Langlinais is the husband of Lori Langlinais. He and his wife help Cunxin and Elizabeth with their secret wedding. After Cunxin defects, Langlinais takes on the role of big brother to the young dancer. He dies in a car accident in the mid-1980s.
Lori Langlinais
Lori Langlinais is a dancer at the Houston Ballet who takes Cunxin—and later Elizabeth Mackey—under her wing. She and her husband, Delworth, she play a critical role in Cunxin and Elizabeth’s secret marriage.
Charles Foster
Charles Foster is an immigration lawyer whom Delworth and Lori Langlinais introduce to Cunxin. He helps Cunxin defect to the United States in 1981 and later works to secure Cunxin’s American citizenship. The two men remain good friends even after Cunxin’s place in America is secured.
Fourth Uncle
One of Dia’s older brothers, Fourth Uncle lives with his wife, Fourth Aunt, at the Li family compound where he helps to support and care for Na-na. Because he and his wife are childless, they adopt Cunmao when he is a toddler and raise him as their own.
Yang Ping
Yang Ping is an elementary school classmate of Li Cunxin. The two become friends despite the former enmity between their families. When their roughhousing leads to Yang Ping breaking his arm, Cunxin learns an important lesson about personal accountability.
Chen Leung
Chen Leung is a ballet instructor at the Beijing Dance Academy. He is one of the teachers tasked with auditioning and recruiting peasant children in the countryside. In this capacity, he selects Li Cunxin for consideration at Teacher Song’s suggestion.
Teacher Song Ciayang
Song Ciayang is Li Cunxin’s elementary school teacher. She points him out to Chen Leung, thus setting Cunxin on his path to a dancing career and his escape from the poverty of his rural upbringing.
Consul Zhang
Consul Zhang is a Chinese official serving in Houston during the time of Cunxin’s defection. He tries to detain Cunxin at the Houston Chinese Consulate. Eventually, he returns to China where he becomes the mayor of a large city.
Barbara Bush
Barbara Bush is the wife of George Bush. A patron of the Houston Ballet and personal friend of Ben Stevenson, she befriends Cunxin soon after he arrives in America.
Chong Xiongjun
Chong Xiongjun is a Beijing native and student at the Beijing Dance Academy who befriends Li Cunxin. Xiongjun’s parents and grandmother become like a second family to Cunxin during his years in Beijing.
Zhu Yaoping
Zhu Yaoping is a student recruited to the Beijing Dance Academy from Shanghai. Despite their difficulty understanding each other through their different accents, he and Li Cunxin become friends early on in their time at the school.
Wuho Man
The Wuho Man is an elderly, childless resident of the village where Li Cunxin grows up. He tells marvelous stories to the village children, and he teaches Niang folk remedies when the family cannot afford to visit the local doctors.
Teacher Gao Dakun
Teacher Gao is the Beijing Opera Movement teacher at the Beijing Dance Academy. A harsh, demanding man, he tends to bully the students and call them names. Eventually, Cunxin stands up to him and learns an important lesson about self-advocacy.
Louisa Sarofim
Louisa Sarofim is a Houston Ballet board member and friend of Ben Stevenson who takes Cunxin and Zhang Weiqiang under her wing during their first visit to America.
Martha Butler
Martha Butler is a young, 17-year-old ballerina who, along with Cunxin, represents the Houston Ballet at the 1984 Japan International Ballet Competition.
Betty Lou
Betty Lou is a mutual friend of Cunxin, Ben Stevenson, and George and Barbara Bush.
Sophie Li
Sophie Li is the eldest child of Cunxin and Mary McKendry. Her siblings are Thomas Li and Birdie Li. She was diagnosed with profound deafness early in her life, leading to Mary’s decision to retire early from dancing.
Thomas Li
Thomas Li is the middle child of Cunxin and Mary McKendry. His siblings are Sophie Li and Thomas Li.
Birdie Li
Birdie Li is the third and youngest child of Cunxin and Mary McKendry. Her older siblings are Sophie Li and Thomas Li.
Director Wang
Director Wang is the leader of the Beijing Dance Academy during Li Cunxin’s first few years of study.
Sien Yu
Sien Yu is Li Cunxin’s childhood best friend, dating to the time before either boy goes to school.