Mao’s Last Dancer

Mao’s Last Dancer


Li Cunxin

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Fourth Aunt Character Analysis

Fourth Aunt is Fourth Uncle’s wife. When Cunxin is badly burned as an infant and develops a life-threatening infection, she saves his life with some creative medicine. Because she and Fourth Uncle cannot have children of their own, they adopt Cunmao from Niang and Dia when he is a toddler.
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Fourth Aunt Character Timeline in Mao’s Last Dancer

The timeline below shows where the character Fourth Aunt appears in Mao’s Last Dancer. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: Home
Opportunity, Hard Work, and Success Theme Icon
Freedom vs. Repression  Theme Icon him. In desperation, she tries herbal medicine, which makes the infection worse. Finally, Cunxin’s Fourth Aunt intervenes. She heard from an old healer that meat tenderizer could treat infections. She locks... (full context)