Mao’s Last Dancer

Mao’s Last Dancer


Li Cunxin

Cunmao Character Analysis

Cunmao is the third of Niang and Dia’s sons. His brothers are Cuncia, Cunyuan, Cunsang, Cunfar, Cunxin, and Jing Tring. However, because Fourth Uncle and Fourth Aunt are childless, Niang and Dia give them Cunmao to raise as their adopted son when he is a toddler. After Cunmao discovers the truth about his parentage, he experiences a great deal of emotional distress, and he spends most of his life feeling shut out from his birth and adopted families in important ways. He and his wife are successful businesspeople, and they have one child, a daughter.
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Cunmao Character Timeline in Mao’s Last Dancer

The timeline below shows where the character Cunmao appears in Mao’s Last Dancer. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4: The Seven of Us
...have children of their own, Niang and Dia let them adopt one of their sons, Cunmao, when he was a toddler. When Cunmao discovers the truth many years later, he confronts... (full context)
Chapter 5: Na-na
...holds a traditional, three-day vigil over her body. When Cunxin asks why they do this, Cunmao says it’s in case she comes back to life, and he tells a story about... (full context)
Chapter 25: No More Nightmares
...the phone seem like five hours, but soon enough he’s talking to everyone as Cunyuan, Cunmao, and Jing Tring pass the phone around. Then Niang gets on the line, her voice... (full context)
Chapter 29: Back in My Village
...of cash to help, and Cunsang so overwhelmed that he can barely express his gratitude. Cunmao and his wife are businesspeople, and they live a comfortable life with their daughter. Cunxin... (full context)