Mexican WhiteBoy


Matt de la Peña

Liberty is new to National City. She is from Mexico and only speaks Spanish, but her dad is American. Danny notices her right away because she looks half white like him, and he develops a crush on her. By the end of the novel, Danny and Liberty form a romantic relationship despite not being able to speak to each other.

Liberty Quotes in Mexican WhiteBoy

The Mexican WhiteBoy quotes below are all either spoken by Liberty or refer to Liberty. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Race and Identity  Theme Icon
The Workouts, the Hustles, the Drive-in Theater Quotes

What up, girl? Your boy can’t get no invite? This movie’s only for full-on Mexicans? They can’t let nobody in if he got a drop of brother?

Related Characters: Uno (speaker), Danny Lopez, Sofia Lopez , Liberty
Page Number: 117
Explanation and Analysis:
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Liberty Quotes in Mexican WhiteBoy

The Mexican WhiteBoy quotes below are all either spoken by Liberty or refer to Liberty. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Race and Identity  Theme Icon
The Workouts, the Hustles, the Drive-in Theater Quotes

What up, girl? Your boy can’t get no invite? This movie’s only for full-on Mexicans? They can’t let nobody in if he got a drop of brother?

Related Characters: Uno (speaker), Danny Lopez, Sofia Lopez , Liberty
Page Number: 117
Explanation and Analysis: