Mexican WhiteBoy


Matt de la Peña

The Man in the Padres Hat Character Analysis

The man in the Padres hat turns out to be Javier’s friend from prison, but for most of the novel Danny and Uno think he is a scout for the Padres baseball team. Javier saved his life in prison one time, and the man in the Padres hat follows Danny around to watch over him. He saves Danny and Uno one day as they are being attacked by a high school baseball team. He works for the Padres selling hotdogs at the stadium.
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The Man in the Padres Hat Character Timeline in Mexican WhiteBoy

The timeline below shows where the character The Man in the Padres Hat appears in Mexican WhiteBoy. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The Shot Heard Round the Cul-de-Sac
Race and Identity  Theme Icon
Family, Friendship, and Culture Theme Icon
...much either, and Danny never learned Spanish. As he steps up to bat, Danny notices a man wearing a Padres hat watching the kids play. Danny doesn’t swing for the first two... (full context)
Senior Explains Poverty
Coming of Age Theme Icon
...he’s spoken audibly is when he lied to Ray about his head injury. Uno notices a man wearing a Padres hat and says he saw the same man watching Danny at the... (full context)
The Workouts, the Hustles, the Drive-in Theater
Race and Identity  Theme Icon
Family, Friendship, and Culture Theme Icon with Uno's dad, and Danny doesn’t want to let Uno down. Uno points out the man in the Padres hat again, and Danny says he’s a scout who used to come... (full context)
Morse High Hustle
Violence, Power, and Coping Mechanisms Theme Icon
...but he doesn’t know how to solve it. He looks around the field and notices the scout in the Padres hat. Danny is surprised that the scout always seems to know where... (full context)
Senior Reads Danny’s Mind
Violence, Power, and Coping Mechanisms Theme Icon
...won thirty dollars by hustling a wealthy white boy on a travel team. They saw the scout with the Padres hat, and Uno asked him if he works for the Padres. The... (full context)
Uno’s Own Vision of a Future
Fate vs. Opportunity Theme Icon
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Family, Friendship, and Culture Theme Icon
...he notices that no one else is there besides him and the other players—not even the Padres scout . 3. The second time around, Danny pitches three perfect fastballs and strikes Carmelo out... (full context)
Fate vs. Opportunity Theme Icon
Violence, Power, and Coping Mechanisms Theme Icon
Coming of Age Theme Icon
...and the other players all join the brawl, and they outnumber Danny and Uno. Suddenly, the Padres scout runs onto the field and attacks the other players to free Danny and Uno, yelling... (full context)
Danny and Uno at Petco Park
Family, Friendship, and Culture Theme Icon
...vendor in the stands. When he sees the hot dog vendor’s face, Danny realizes it’s the scout who’s been following him all summer. They both recognize each other, and the man quickly... (full context)
Fate vs. Opportunity Theme Icon
Violence, Power, and Coping Mechanisms Theme Icon
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Family, Friendship, and Culture Theme Icon
2. Danny yells to the scout and catches up with him. Danny asks why he is selling hot dogs, and he... (full context)