Monday’s Not Coming

Monday’s Not Coming


Tiffany Jackson

Darrell Singleton Character Analysis

Darrell is another boy in Claudia and Monday’s class. He lives in Ed Borough, near Monday, and has had a crush on Monday for years. Because of this, Claudia seeks him out when Monday doesn’t show up at school. Months later, in the spring, Claudia learns that Darrell and Monday were sexually involved, and Claudia can’t believe that Monday hid this from her.
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Darrell Singleton Character Timeline in Monday’s Not Coming

The timeline below shows where the character Darrell Singleton appears in Monday’s Not Coming. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2. The Before
Family, Community, and Responsibility Theme Icon Finally, Claudia works up the nerve to ask one of Monday’s neighbors about her. Darrell Singleton hasn’t seen her all summer and assumed she was with Claudia. He says he... (full context)
Chapter 42. The Before
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
With a sigh, April leans back and calls to Darrell, who’s playing a pickup game on the court. She calls him over and asks if... (full context)