Claudia is the protagonist of the novel; she’s 13 years old in the “Before” timeline and believes she’s still 13 for much of the “After” timeline but is actually about to turn 16. Claudia lives…
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Monday Charles
Monday is Claudia’s best friend and Mrs. Charles’s daughter. When she’s not busy caring for her little brother, August, 13-year-old Monday spends most of her time outside of school at the library…
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Ma is Claudia’s mother and Daddy’s wife. She’s 10 years younger than Daddy, and she and Claudia have a relatively close, but also strained, relationship. Ma is strict and expects Claudia to apply…
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Michael is Claudia’s love interest in the “After” timeline and Ms. Walker’s grandson. He’s a year older than Claudia and attends the same church. Claudia remembers him as Mikey, the chubby kid of…
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Daddy is Claudia’s father and Ma’s husband. He’s a big, strong, former football player who adores Claudia and Ma. He also plays in a go-go band with his brother, Claudia’s Uncle Robby. In…
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Ms. Paul is a librarian at the local library. She agrees to watch Claudia after school most days while she works, partially in exchange for plates of food and cash from Ma. Ms…
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Shayla Green
Shayla is Ashley Hilton’s best friend and bullies Claudia and Monday at school. She spreads rumors that Monday and Claudia are romantically involved and torments Claudia when she discovers that Claudia takes classes at…
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Ms. O’Donnell
Ms. O’Donnell is an eighth-grade English teacher at Claudia’s school. She’s known for being mean and difficult, though Mrs. Valente also insists that lots of kids ultimately appreciate her class’s rigor. Claudia hates Ms…
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Darrell Singleton
Darrell is another boy in Claudia and Monday’s class. He lives in Ed Borough, near Monday, and has had a crush on Monday for years. Because of this, Claudia seeks him out when Monday…
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April Charles
April is Monday’s older sister by three years. April and Claudia openly dislike each other—Claudia sees April as a liar, overly promiscuous, and an all-around example of what not to be. But when Monday…
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Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Charles is April, Monday, August, and Tuesday’s mother; she murders Monday and August and is the novel’s primary antagonist. She’s a single mother who lives with the children in Ed…
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Tip Charles
Tip Charles is Monday’s father. He and Mrs. Charles are separated and for a majority of the novel, Tip doesn’t appear in person. In the “Before” timeline, Tip hasn’t seen his children in years…
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August Charles
August is Monday’s little brother; he’s three or four years younger than her. He’s a wild child who can never sit still and is always a mess, which Monday finds difficult to deal with…
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Tuesday Charles
Tuesday is Monday’s little sister; she’s supposed to be starting kindergarten in the “Before” timeline. Claudia begins to suspect that something is amiss when she runs into Tuesday in public and notices that Tuesday…
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Jacob Miller
Jacob is considered the best-lookinng boy in Claudia and Monday’s grade; he and Monday become romantically involved, though he hides this from his friends at school. Monday has had a crush on Jacob for…
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Ms. Valente
Ms. Valente is Claudia’s favorite teacher at school. She teaches seventh-grade English, and taught fourth grade prior to that. Ms. Valente fosters a spirit of openness and honesty with her students, and she makes…
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Detective Carson
Detective Carson works at the police station near Ed Borough. When Claudia comes to the station to ask someone to check in on Monday, he listens to Claudia’s story. While Claudia is initially thrilled…
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Megan (“High Bun”)
Megan is a girl in Claudia’s Group Five dance class; until Claudia learns her name, she refers to her as “High Bun,” after her hairstyle. From Claudia’s first class, Megan stands up for Claudia’…
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Ms. Orman
Ms. Orman was the nurse at Claudia and Monday’s school; she retires over the winter break the year that Monday goes missing. Eventually, she moves to Florida, where her daughter cares for her as…
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Mr. Hill
Mr. Hill is the guidance counselor at Claudia and Monday’s charter school. To Claudia, Mr. Hill is mostly an antagonist: he’s the one to first talk to her about her failing grades in the…
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Ms. Walker
Ms. Walker is an elderly lady and a member of Claudia’s church. She tutors Claudia, and she also happens to be Michael’s grandmother. Ms. Walker never appears in person in the novel, but…
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Ms. Roundtree
Ms. Roundtree is one of Monday’s neighbors in Ed Borough. Claudia meets her at the end of the novel when she goes to Monday’s house to gain closure. Ms. Roundtree helps Claudia gain closure…
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Minor Characters
Ashley Hilton
Ashley is Shayla Green’s best friend; together, they bully Monday and Claudia.
Trevor Abernathy
Trevor is a bully in Claudia and Monday’s grade. He torments the girls about being romantically involved and, when Claudia returns to school after the discovery of Monday’s body, bullies her in the cafeteria, precipitating Claudia’s mental breakdown.
Carl is a boy in Monday and Claudia’s class. He and Trevor are both bullies.
Ms. Manis
Ms. Manis owns and teaches at the dance studio where Claudia dances. She makes a point to choose her advanced dancers’ music for their solo performances, as she believes it’s important for the dancers to not just dance to their favorite songs.
Aunt Doris
Aunt Doris is Monday’s aunt. She cares for April and Tuesday after the authorities arrest Mrs. Charles.
Detective Woods
Detective Woods is Detective Carson’s partner. She comes to Ma and Daddy’s house to question them about Monday’s final days.
Ms. Swaby
Ms. Swaby is an elderly woman who comes to the church’s soup kitchens. She’s recently been evicted from Ed Borough.
Uncle Robby
Claudia’s Uncle Robby plays in a go-go band with Daddy.
Ms. Clark
Ms. Clark is the secretary at Claudia’s school.
Kam is Megan’s boyfriend and Jacob Miller’s half-brother.
Ms. Moser
Ms. Moser is the new, young nurse who replaces Ms. Orman.