Monday’s Not Coming

Monday’s Not Coming


Tiffany Jackson

Detective Carson Character Analysis

Detective Carson works at the police station near Ed Borough. When Claudia comes to the station to ask someone to check in on Monday, he listens to Claudia’s story. While Claudia is initially thrilled to be taken seriously, Carson soon shows her that he thinks she’s overreacting—he suggests that Monday probably just ran away and informs Claudia that only parents can file missing persons reports for their children. He also makes Claudia feel guilty by insisting that by bringing up Monday, she’s taking precious time and resources away from girls who have been confirmed missing. Later, Carson is visibly shaken to see Claudia when he and his partner, Detective Woods, come to Claudia’s house after the authorities find Monday’s body to question Ma and Daddy. Though Claudia feels some satisfaction from the fact that Carson will have to live his life regretting that he didn’t take Claudia seriously when she asked for help months ago, he becomes a real villain in her eyes when he insists on collecting Monday’s journal as evidence—Claudia’s last remaining tie to her best friend.

Detective Carson Quotes in Monday’s Not Coming

The Monday’s Not Coming quotes below are all either spoken by Detective Carson or refer to Detective Carson. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Child Abuse Theme Icon
Chapter 22. The Before Quotes

“Over the last few months we’ve had dozens of girls around here reported missing, close to fifty in one week. Alleged kidnappings when most of them just run off away from home ‘cause they can’t do what they want.”

“But shouldn’t you still be looking for them anyways?”

He opened his mouth, then closed it, clearing his throat.

“Yes, but Claudia, I want you to remember, when you come into a police station, claiming your friend is ‘missing,’ it means us officers have to take our focus away from these girls. Girls who could really be in trouble.”

Tears prickled, and I avoided his glare.

“Now, if your friend’s really missing and she’s not on this board, then only a parent can file a missing persons report. And if her mother won’t, the only person left would be her father or a legal guardian.”

Related Characters: Claudia Coleman (speaker), Detective Carson (speaker), Monday Charles, Mrs. Charles, Tip Charles
Page Number: 166-167
Explanation and Analysis:
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Monday’s Not Coming PDF

Detective Carson Quotes in Monday’s Not Coming

The Monday’s Not Coming quotes below are all either spoken by Detective Carson or refer to Detective Carson. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Child Abuse Theme Icon
Chapter 22. The Before Quotes

“Over the last few months we’ve had dozens of girls around here reported missing, close to fifty in one week. Alleged kidnappings when most of them just run off away from home ‘cause they can’t do what they want.”

“But shouldn’t you still be looking for them anyways?”

He opened his mouth, then closed it, clearing his throat.

“Yes, but Claudia, I want you to remember, when you come into a police station, claiming your friend is ‘missing,’ it means us officers have to take our focus away from these girls. Girls who could really be in trouble.”

Tears prickled, and I avoided his glare.

“Now, if your friend’s really missing and she’s not on this board, then only a parent can file a missing persons report. And if her mother won’t, the only person left would be her father or a legal guardian.”

Related Characters: Claudia Coleman (speaker), Detective Carson (speaker), Monday Charles, Mrs. Charles, Tip Charles
Page Number: 166-167
Explanation and Analysis: