Monday’s Not Coming

Monday’s Not Coming


Tiffany Jackson

Ms. Orman was the nurse at Claudia and Monday’s school; she retires over the winter break the year that Monday goes missing. Eventually, she moves to Florida, where her daughter cares for her as her Alzheimer’s disease gets worse. Claudia learns that Ms. Orman knew that Monday suffered abuse at home and had filed reports with CFSA while she still worked at the school. When Claudia calls her in the “After” timeline, Ms. Orman also says cryptically that she “had to get her out”—suggesting that she was doing everything in her power to get the Monday taken away from Mrs. Charles.
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Ms. Orman Character Timeline in Monday’s Not Coming

The timeline below shows where the character Ms. Orman appears in Monday’s Not Coming. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 26. The Before
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Secrecy and Shame Theme Icon
...nurse. In the nurse’s office, though, a pretty blond woman greets her instead of old Ms. Orman . The woman introduces herself as Ms. Moser; Ms. Orman retired. Claudia lies that she... (full context)
Family, Community, and Responsibility Theme Icon the file, so Claudia says she feels fine. Claudia accepts aspirin and asks where Ms. Orman went. Ms. Moser says she’s in Florida and confirms that “Monday” still has Ms. Orman’s... (full context)
Chapter 32. The After
Family, Community, and Responsibility Theme Icon
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
...hides in the tent in her bedroom and dials the number Ms. Moser gave her. Ms. Orman ’s daughter, Giselle, answers. Giselle is angry that Claudia has this number and reminds Claudia... (full context)
Child Abuse Theme Icon
Family, Community, and Responsibility Theme Icon
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Secrecy and Shame Theme Icon
Ms. Orman doesn’t seem to recognize Claudia, but she seems very concerned when Claudia says she’s looking... (full context)
Chapter 49. The After
Family, Community, and Responsibility Theme Icon
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Secrecy and Shame Theme Icon
Memory, Repression, and Trauma Theme Icon
...they just found a girl’s body in Baltimore. It must be Monday. She’s spoken to Ms. Orman , and Monday never had the flu. Ma’s eyes well up. She though Claudia was... (full context)