Monday’s Not Coming

Monday’s Not Coming


Tiffany Jackson

Mr. Hill Character Analysis

Mr. Hill is the guidance counselor at Claudia and Monday’s charter school. To Claudia, Mr. Hill is mostly an antagonist: he’s the one to first talk to her about her failing grades in the “Before” timeline and runs the meeting in which Claudia and her parents learn that she’s dyslexic. Like many adults in the novel, he promises Claudia to check in on Monday but never follows through.
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Mr. Hill Character Timeline in Monday’s Not Coming

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Hill appears in Monday’s Not Coming. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 10. The Before
Secrecy and Shame Theme Icon
...Banneker. The only answer Claudia has is that Monday wants to go. Claudia’s guidance counselor, Mr. Hill , calls for her attention. He reminds her that Banneker is tough and requires recommendation... (full context)
Family, Community, and Responsibility Theme Icon
Secrecy and Shame Theme Icon
Mr. Hill notes that the Learning Center is offering peer tutors after school, but Claudia leaps up... (full context)
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
...content, while Claudia made the projects look good. Claudia thinks of her daily check-ins with Mr. Hill to see if he called Monday’s house yet. It feels like he’s never going to... (full context)
Chapter 18. The Before
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Secrecy and Shame Theme Icon
Memory, Repression, and Trauma Theme Icon
After Thanksgiving, Mr. Hill requests a special meeting with Ma and Daddy. Claudia’s grades never showed up—either God was... (full context)
Family, Community, and Responsibility Theme Icon
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Secrecy and Shame Theme Icon
Everyone enters the conference room. Ms. O’Donnell is already there, and Claudia wants to vomit. Mr. Hill says everyone knows Claudia has been struggling, but Ma sharply says she has no idea.... (full context)
Family, Community, and Responsibility Theme Icon
Secrecy and Shame Theme Icon
Mr. Hill says they believe Claudia has dyslexia. The word seems to burn Claudia. She’s been avoiding... (full context)
Family, Community, and Responsibility Theme Icon
Incensed, Ma asks if Mr. Hill is referring to the picture spread over the internet, or the boy who touched Claudia’s... (full context)
Secrecy and Shame Theme Icon
...private and leads Ma and Claudia out to the car. Ma gripes about how rude Mr. Hill and Ms. O’Donnell were, and how ridiculous it is that they didn’t catch the dyslexia... (full context)
Chapter 53. The Before
Family, Community, and Responsibility Theme Icon
Memory, Repression, and Trauma Theme Icon
...gets to school 40 minutes late. Ms. Clark gasps and her eyes fill with tears; Mr. Hill nervously asks Claudia how she is. Claudia asks for a late pass and then Mr.... (full context)