Monday’s Not Coming

Monday’s Not Coming


Tiffany Jackson

Shayla Green Character Analysis

Shayla is Ashley Hilton’s best friend and bullies Claudia and Monday at school. She spreads rumors that Monday and Claudia are romantically involved and torments Claudia when she discovers that Claudia takes classes at the Learning Center. However, the novel also suggests that there is more than Shayla than just being a bully. Indeed, in a flashback to two years before Monday’s disappearance, Ma and Mrs. Charles discuss that Shayla’s dad is abusing her mom, suggesting that Shayla’s home life is fraught and, perhaps, dangerous. When Claudia finally returns to school after Monday’s body is discovered, Trevor and Carl taunt Claudia about Monday’s death, and Shayla is the first person to stand up to them.

Shayla Green Quotes in Monday’s Not Coming

The Monday’s Not Coming quotes below are all either spoken by Shayla Green or refer to Shayla Green. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Child Abuse Theme Icon
Chapter 12. Two Years Before the Before Quotes

“Anyway, are you going to talk to Dedria’s mother tomorrow or what?”

I stopped, peering over the banister.

Ma shook her head. “Patti, she got to leave on her own terms. It ain’t my place!”

Mrs. Charles glared at her. “Janet, that man is going to kill her one of these days! Are you going to be able to look yourself in the mirror when he does?”

Related Characters: Ma (speaker), Mrs. Charles (speaker), Claudia Coleman, Monday Charles, Shayla Green
Page Number: 90
Explanation and Analysis:
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Shayla Green Quotes in Monday’s Not Coming

The Monday’s Not Coming quotes below are all either spoken by Shayla Green or refer to Shayla Green. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Child Abuse Theme Icon
Chapter 12. Two Years Before the Before Quotes

“Anyway, are you going to talk to Dedria’s mother tomorrow or what?”

I stopped, peering over the banister.

Ma shook her head. “Patti, she got to leave on her own terms. It ain’t my place!”

Mrs. Charles glared at her. “Janet, that man is going to kill her one of these days! Are you going to be able to look yourself in the mirror when he does?”

Related Characters: Ma (speaker), Mrs. Charles (speaker), Claudia Coleman, Monday Charles, Shayla Green
Page Number: 90
Explanation and Analysis: