Mortal Engines


Philip Reeve

Miss Anna Fang Character Analysis

Miss Anna Fang (also called Feng Hua) is an aviator who works as a spy for the League of Anti-Tractionists. Although this technically means she is an enemy of the Londoner Tom Natsworthy, Miss Fang takes a liking to Tom and Hester, helping them along on their journey back to London in her airship, the Jenny Haniver. Miss Fang is one of many orphans in the story, and she managed to escape slavery by building the Jenny Haniver out of scraps that she scavenged. She speaks Airsperanto, the language of the sky, and shares a bond with fellow aviators like Khora, who all admire Miss Fang’s daring work as a spy. Although Miss Fang is generally heroic, she is willing to use violent tactics like bombings and assassinations if she believes it’s for the greater good. When Thaddeus Valentine infiltrates an Anti-Tractionist settlement to sabotage its fleet of airships, he also kills Miss Fang in a sword fight. Tom and Hester take over the Jenny Haniver, and so Miss Fang represents a passing of the torch, showing how leaders in one generation can help guide and inspire the people who come after them.

Miss Anna Fang Quotes in Mortal Engines

The Mortal Engines quotes below are all either spoken by Miss Anna Fang or refer to Miss Anna Fang. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 9 Quotes

“It’s made of junk!” he gasped.

“Junk?” laughed Miss Fang. “Why, the Jenny Haniver is built from bits of the finest airships that ever flew! An envelope of silicon-silk from a Shan Guo clipper, twin Jeunet-Carot aero-engines off a Paris gunship, the reinforced gas-cells of a Spitzbergen war-balloon... It’s amazing what you can find in the scrapyards...”

Related Characters: Tom Natsworthy (speaker), Miss Anna Fang (speaker), Hester Shaw
Related Symbols: Scar
Page Number: 71
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Chapter 24 Quotes

“I may be no better than Valentine,” she went on, “but there is a difference between us. Valentine tried to kill you, and I want to keep you alive. So, will you come with me?”

Related Characters: Miss Anna Fang (speaker), Tom Natsworthy, Hester Shaw, Thaddeus Valentine
Page Number: 197
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 28 Quotes

And light burst down from above; the harsh beam of an airship’s searchlight raking across the snow. The aviatrix reeled blindly backwards, and Valentine leaped up, snatching his sword, pulling her hard against him as he drove it home. For a moment the two of them stumbled together like drunken dancers at the end of a party, close enough to Tom’s hiding place for him to see the bright blade push out through the back of Miss Fang’s neck and hear her desperate, choking whisper: “Hester Shaw will find you. She will find you and—”

Related Characters: Miss Anna Fang (speaker), Tom Natsworthy, Hester Shaw, Thaddeus Valentine
Page Number: 233
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 30 Quotes

He said, “You must understand, Kate, I did it for you...”

Related Characters: Thaddeus Valentine (speaker), Tom Natsworthy, Hester Shaw, Katherine Valentine, Miss Anna Fang, Magnus Crome, Pandora Shaw
Page Number: 242
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 33 Quotes

“I’ll be dead in twenty minutes, Tom,” she said. “Just get yourself safe away. Forget about me.”

“I’ll circle back...”

“I’ll be dead.”

“I’ll circle back anyway...”

Related Characters: Tom Natsworthy (speaker), Hester Shaw (speaker), Thaddeus Valentine, Miss Anna Fang
Page Number: 269
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Miss Anna Fang Quotes in Mortal Engines

The Mortal Engines quotes below are all either spoken by Miss Anna Fang or refer to Miss Anna Fang. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 9 Quotes

“It’s made of junk!” he gasped.

“Junk?” laughed Miss Fang. “Why, the Jenny Haniver is built from bits of the finest airships that ever flew! An envelope of silicon-silk from a Shan Guo clipper, twin Jeunet-Carot aero-engines off a Paris gunship, the reinforced gas-cells of a Spitzbergen war-balloon... It’s amazing what you can find in the scrapyards...”

Related Characters: Tom Natsworthy (speaker), Miss Anna Fang (speaker), Hester Shaw
Related Symbols: Scar
Page Number: 71
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Chapter 24 Quotes

“I may be no better than Valentine,” she went on, “but there is a difference between us. Valentine tried to kill you, and I want to keep you alive. So, will you come with me?”

Related Characters: Miss Anna Fang (speaker), Tom Natsworthy, Hester Shaw, Thaddeus Valentine
Page Number: 197
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 28 Quotes

And light burst down from above; the harsh beam of an airship’s searchlight raking across the snow. The aviatrix reeled blindly backwards, and Valentine leaped up, snatching his sword, pulling her hard against him as he drove it home. For a moment the two of them stumbled together like drunken dancers at the end of a party, close enough to Tom’s hiding place for him to see the bright blade push out through the back of Miss Fang’s neck and hear her desperate, choking whisper: “Hester Shaw will find you. She will find you and—”

Related Characters: Miss Anna Fang (speaker), Tom Natsworthy, Hester Shaw, Thaddeus Valentine
Page Number: 233
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 30 Quotes

He said, “You must understand, Kate, I did it for you...”

Related Characters: Thaddeus Valentine (speaker), Tom Natsworthy, Hester Shaw, Katherine Valentine, Miss Anna Fang, Magnus Crome, Pandora Shaw
Page Number: 242
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 33 Quotes

“I’ll be dead in twenty minutes, Tom,” she said. “Just get yourself safe away. Forget about me.”

“I’ll circle back...”

“I’ll be dead.”

“I’ll circle back anyway...”

Related Characters: Tom Natsworthy (speaker), Hester Shaw (speaker), Thaddeus Valentine, Miss Anna Fang
Page Number: 269
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