My Brilliant Friend

My Brilliant Friend


Elena Ferrante

Enzo Scanno Character Analysis

Enzo is one of Lenù and Lila’s classmates and neighbors. The class dunce, Enzo has a big crush on Lila yet has trouble expressing his feelings for her—one moment he gives her a bouquet of sorb apples, and the next he lobs rocks at her in the streets. Enzo eventually grows up into an honorable and kind young man.
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Enzo Scanno Character Timeline in My Brilliant Friend

The timeline below shows where the character Enzo Scanno appears in My Brilliant Friend. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Childhood: The Story of Don Achille, Chapter 3
One afternoon, Lenù and Lila engage in a rock-throwing fight with Enzo Scanno (the son of Assunta the fruit and vegetable merchant) and some of Enzo’s friends.... (full context)
Childhood: The Story of Don Achille, Chapter 8
...the difficult questions, and Lila is noticeably reticent to best the son of Don Achille. Enzo Scanno, however, begins shouting the answers from the back of the classroom whenever both students... (full context)
Enzo soon steps in to replace Alfonso, and Enzo and Lila begin an exciting duel of... (full context)
Childhood: The Story of Don Achille, Chapter 9
After Lila and Lenù’s rock fight with Enzo, the older Elena recalls, Rino came to school to beat up the younger boy Enzo.... (full context)
Childhood: The Story of Don Achille, Chapter 12
...unpopular, mean, and prickly. The only boy who shows her any sort of interest is Enzo, who one day brings her a bouquet of sorb apples. Lila insists she doesn’t want... (full context)
Childhood: The Story of Don Achille, Chapter 13
Sometime later, Enzo asks Gigliola to be his girlfriend, but she rejects him and tells everyone about his... (full context)
Adolescence: The Story of the Shoes, Chapter 7
...removed the “shadow” of fear from the whole Carracci family, and their business is booming. Enzo runs his parents’ fruit and vegetable stand. New businesses open and old businesses join forces,... (full context)
Adolescence: The Story of the Shoes, Chapter 16
...present. There is lots of dancing, both to traditional music and rock and roll songs. Enzo pulls Lila onto the dance floor, and she is so excited to dance that she... (full context) kill Stefano and the Solaras himself. When he rounds on Lila, Antonio defends her. Enzo tries to urge everyone to go home. Lenù, Lila, and the other girls burst into... (full context)
Adolescence: The Story of the Shoes, Chapter 22
...years older than her and Lila. She wants an older boyfriend like Stefano, Pasquale, or Enzo. Lenù hopes to attract the attention of an older boy, but all night, all of... (full context)
...from the Solaras’ terrace makes them believe that the display is starting up again. Only Enzo recognizes the sounds for what they are: gunshots. He rushes everyone inside as Rino, undeterred,... (full context)
Adolescence: The Story of the Shoes, Chapter 45
...for getting engaged to Stefano, an accusation which drives a wedge between him, Antonio, and Enzo. (full context)
Adolescence: The Story of the Shoes, Chapter 47
When the rumors about Lila and Marcello reach Lenù’s friends, Enzo, Antonio, and Pasquale are more indignant than Stefano himself. Pasquale is particularly outraged, threatening to... (full context)