Normal People


Sally Rooney

Peggy Character Analysis

Peggy is one of Marianne’s friends at Trinity College in Dublin. She’s opinionated and judgmental, but Marianne spends a lot of time with her throughout her first years in college, especially since Peggy considers herself Marianne’s best friend. Eventually, though, Peggy takes Jamie’s side when Marianne breaks up with him, and though it upsets Marianne to lose Peggy as a friend, both Joanna and Connell hint that they never liked her anyway.

Peggy Quotes in Normal People

The Normal People quotes below are all either spoken by Peggy or refer to Peggy. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Love, Inexperience, and Emotional Intensity Theme Icon
9. Two Months Later (April 2012) Quotes

She comes to sit down with him and he touches her cheek. He has a terrible sense all of a sudden that he could hit her face, very hard even, and she would just sit there and let him. The idea frightens him so badly that he pulls his chair back and stands up. His hands are shaking. He doesn't know why he thought about it. Maybe he wants to do it. But it makes him feel sick.

Related Characters: Marianne, Connell, Peggy
Page Number: 109
Explanation and Analysis:
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Peggy Character Timeline in Normal People

The timeline below shows where the character Peggy appears in Normal People. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
8. Three Months Later (February 2012)
Love, Inexperience, and Emotional Intensity Theme Icon
Miscommunication and Assumptions Theme Icon
...driving them both back. At the party, Marianne wandered into a shed with her friends Peggy and Joanna. She was already quite drunk, but then she drank some more in the... (full context)
Love, Inexperience, and Emotional Intensity Theme Icon
Miscommunication and Assumptions Theme Icon
Money, Class, and Entitlement Theme Icon the shed turned to Connell. Joanna said she liked the way he dressed, but Peggy scoffed and spoke condescendingly about his clothes, saying he probably doesn’t even own a suit.... (full context)
9. Two Months Later (April 2012)
Love, Inexperience, and Emotional Intensity Theme Icon
Miscommunication and Assumptions Theme Icon
...serious relationship, though it’s still a private arrangement. One night, though, they’re hanging out with Peggy in Marianne’s kitchen when Peggy bluntly asks if they’re sleeping together. After a moment, Marianne... (full context)
Love, Inexperience, and Emotional Intensity Theme Icon
Identity, Insecurity, and Social Status Theme Icon
Miscommunication and Assumptions Theme Icon
Peggy tells Connell and Marianne that she’d be willing to have a threesome with them. Caught... (full context)
Love, Inexperience, and Emotional Intensity Theme Icon
Identity, Insecurity, and Social Status Theme Icon
Miscommunication and Assumptions Theme Icon
Finally, Peggy leaves. Still sitting in the kitchen, Connell thanks Marianne for intervening on his behalf—he knows... (full context)
12. Four Months Later (January 2013)
Identity, Insecurity, and Social Status Theme Icon
...on the exams, but she downplays her performance when her friends ask how things went. Peggy, in particular, makes fun of her by implying that she must have done badly. Peggy... (full context)
Identity, Insecurity, and Social Status Theme Icon
...was because he knew he wouldn’t pass. Marianne feels a deep disrespect for Jamie, but Peggy seems to really like him. Whenever Marianne talks negatively about Jamie, Peggy defends him by... (full context)
13. Six Months Later (July 2013)
Love, Inexperience, and Emotional Intensity Theme Icon
Miscommunication and Assumptions Theme Icon
...much. Marianne is currently staying in her family’s vacation home in Trieste, Italy. Jamie and Peggy are there too, and soon Connell, Niall, and Elaine will join them. (full context)
14. Five Months Later (December 2013)
Identity, Insecurity, and Social Status Theme Icon
...As he fiddles with his camera, she thinks about the falling out she had with Peggy after her breakup with Jamie. Peggy claimed she was Marianne’s best friend, but she ended... (full context)