Noughts and Crosses

Noughts and Crosses


Malorie Blackman

Noughts and Crosses: Chapter 54 Summary & Analysis

Even though Mum has Callum and Jude’s information erased from the hospital database, she remains on edge. Finally, during one Sunday lunch, Mum tells Dad she wants him to leave the house by tomorrow morning. It’s the only way to protect Jude from being hanged. Dad argues that he’s involved with the Liberation Militia so that his sons can have a better life, but Mum isn’t convinced. Jude says that if Dad is going, he’s going too. And even if he stays, he’s not giving up the LM. He’s making a difference and believes in what he’s doing. Mum says that in that case, Dad and Jude can both leave—she’ll protect Callum. As everyone else starts shouting, Callum runs out the door.
Things have gotten to the point where Mum feels like the only way she can keep her sons safe is by distancing herself from Dad (and by extension, from the Liberation Militia). But Dad insists that Mum is actually doing more harm than good in this regard: his involvement with the LM is how he’s fighting to give his family a better life. Mum and Dad’s priorities are very different, which adds to the tension. Jude is, by this point, wholly committed to the LM’s cause—it makes him feel grown-up and like he has purpose. Callum feels neither of these things, so his only choice is to run.