Noughts and Crosses

Noughts and Crosses


Malorie Blackman

Joanne Character Analysis

Joanne is a year above Sephy at Heathcroft. After Sephy attempts to sit with the noughts at lunch, she, Dionne, and Lola beat Sephy up. Several years later, after he joins the Liberation Militia, Callum gets revenge on the three of them. It’s unclear if he kills them or just tortures them in some other way.

Joanne Quotes in Noughts and Crosses

The Noughts and Crosses quotes below are all either spoken by Joanne or refer to Joanne. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 17 Quotes

“I’ll find out who did this and when I do—they’ll be really, really sorry.” And the look in my sister’s eyes told me that she was serious. Deadly serious. For the first time since the three pigs had started laying into me, I felt almost good. Minnie had never been on my side like this before. It was almost—but not quite—worth it if it meant Minnie and I would grow closer…

“No one touches a Hadley. No one,” Minnie stormed. “If they think they can get to you with no comeback, then it won’t be long before someone tries it on with me. I won’t have that.”

My tentative bubble of well-being was well and truly burst.

Related Characters: Minerva “Minnie” Hadley (speaker), Sephy Hadley, Joanne, Lola, Dionne
Page Number: 100
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Joanne Quotes in Noughts and Crosses

The Noughts and Crosses quotes below are all either spoken by Joanne or refer to Joanne. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 17 Quotes

“I’ll find out who did this and when I do—they’ll be really, really sorry.” And the look in my sister’s eyes told me that she was serious. Deadly serious. For the first time since the three pigs had started laying into me, I felt almost good. Minnie had never been on my side like this before. It was almost—but not quite—worth it if it meant Minnie and I would grow closer…

“No one touches a Hadley. No one,” Minnie stormed. “If they think they can get to you with no comeback, then it won’t be long before someone tries it on with me. I won’t have that.”

My tentative bubble of well-being was well and truly burst.

Related Characters: Minerva “Minnie” Hadley (speaker), Sephy Hadley, Joanne, Lola, Dionne
Page Number: 100
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