Noughts and Crosses

Noughts and Crosses


Malorie Blackman

Mr. Jason is Callum and Sephy’s history teacher at Heathcroft. They both find him insufferable because of the way he treats Callum and the other noughts: he regularly insults them, gives them poor grades for no reason, and generally acts like he hates them. When Callum eventually confides in Mrs. Paxton about what’s going on in Mr. Jason’s classes, she insists that Mr. Jason doesn’t actually hate the noughts, because his mother is a nought. With this information, things start to fall into place for Callum (this, for instance, explains Mr. Jason’s lighter complexion). But when Callum brings Mr. Jason’s parentage up in conversation with Mr. Jason, the teacher’s reaction suggests that having a nought mother doesn’t make Mr. Jason more sympathetic—indeed, it makes him frightened and hateful of those society deems to be lesser.
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Mr. Jason Character Timeline in Noughts and Crosses

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Jason appears in Noughts and Crosses. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 11
...and she wants everyone else to see that—so why would Callum do this to her? Mr. Jason comes in and begins the lesson. He’s in a foul mood and, for no reason... (full context)
When the bell rings, Sephy is the first up and she barges past Mr. Jason . For this, he makes her wait until everyone else has left the room. Sephy... (full context)
Chapter 28
...groans when Sephy says they have history, but Sephy doesn’t know what’s wrong with history. Mr. Jason torments Callum, but if Sephy can’t see that, Callum says he won’t tell her. Callum... (full context)
Chapter 30
In history class, Mr. Jason announces that today, he’s going to show the class that all famous people are people,... (full context)
Mr. Jason asks the class for the names of the people who invented traffic signals, pioneered blood... (full context) the North Pole with a nought, Robert Peary—they’re joint discoverers of the North Pole. Mr. Jason has never heard of Peary, and Callum says that’s because Crosses write the books and... (full context)
...right, and Heathcroft is a waste of time. At Mr. Corsa’s office, Callum figures that Mr. Jason probably wants Callum to stand outside Mr. Corsa’s door, where he’s most likely to get... (full context)
...later, Mrs. Paxton comes out of the office. Callum tells her why he’s not in Mr. Jason ’s class right now, and when she suggests he learn when to keep quiet, he... (full context)
Chapter 31
...arm around Sephy when she sits down next to him, and she apologizes for how Mr. Jason treats Callum. Callum smiles and suggests that neither of them apologize for other Cross or... (full context)
Chapter 32
Callum is on his bed, thinking about what Mrs. Paxton said about Mr. Jason . He doesn’t believe Mr. Jason secretly likes him: Mr. Jason definitely hates Callum. Just... (full context)
Chapter 34
After history class, Callum asks Mr. Jason for a word. He wants to know why he got a C- as a midterm... (full context)
Chapter 35
Sephy watches Mr. Jason storm down the hallway, looking angrier than ever. She only notices because she’s been studying... (full context)