Noughts and Crosses

Noughts and Crosses


Malorie Blackman

Mrs. Paxton Character Analysis

Mrs. Paxton is Callum and Sephy’s math teacher at Heathcroft. To Callum’s extreme relief, and despite her being a dark-skinned Cross, she’s one of the only teachers who treats Callum like an actual person and not a second-class citizen who doesn’t belong in school. She even argues with Mr. Corsa about how the nought students are treated at school and insists that the administration must crack down on the bullying noughts suffer, or risk losing bright students. Mrs. Paxton is also the one to reveal to Callum that Mr. Jason’s mother was a nought.
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Mrs. Paxton Character Timeline in Noughts and Crosses

The timeline below shows where the character Mrs. Paxton appears in Noughts and Crosses. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 18
Callum loves math—and he loves his teacher, Mrs. Paxton . She’s a Cross, but she treats Callum like he’s a real person. She might... (full context)
Chapter 30
...because Callum is white, then that’s silly—Mr. Jason isn’t even that dark. By that logic, Mrs. Paxton should be the one to treat Callum so terribly because her skin is very dark. (full context)
As Callum approaches the door, he hears angry voices coming from inside the office. Mrs. Paxton and Mr. Corsa are arguing—Mrs. Paxton wants to crack down on the bullying the noughts... (full context)
A minute later, Mrs. Paxton comes out of the office. Callum tells her why he’s not in Mr. Jason’s class... (full context)
Chapter 32
Callum is on his bed, thinking about what Mrs. Paxton said about Mr. Jason. He doesn’t believe Mr. Jason secretly likes him: Mr. Jason definitely... (full context)