On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous


Ocean Vuong

Marin Character Analysis

A transgender woman who lives in Little Dog’s neighborhood when he is a young boy in Connecticut. Marin walks to work every day in high heels, even as the neighborhood men call her a “faggot” and threaten to kill her. Like Little Dog, Marin does not embody traditional ideals of gender, and she is therefore ostracized by her community. The character of Marin underscores the discrimination and violence faced by queer people in American society.
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Marin Character Timeline in On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous

The timeline below shows where the character Marin appears in On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2
...family, but the father is in jail on gun and drug charges. And there is Marin, who walks to work every day in high heels, her Adam’s apple just visible. The... (full context)