One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich


Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Fetyukov Character Analysis

Known by Shukhov as “The Scrounger”, he depicts the way the Gulag ravages an individual’s dignity. As opposed to Shukhov, who takes pride in his resourcefulness, skills, and principals, Fetyukov is constantly begging and scrounging for food, cigarettes, and other supplies. What goods he does receive through scrounging and begging, which amounts to quite a bit considering the poverty of the camp, he hoards for himself. His lousy work ethic also contrasts the pride and effort Shukhov puts into his work, leading to a general sense of disrespect from his fellow Zeks.
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Fetyukov Character Timeline in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

The timeline below shows where the character Fetyukov appears in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Section1 (Shukhov wakes up to Kolya taking Shukhov’s temperature)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Belief and Faith Theme Icon with white numbers painted on them, but there are great distinctions in the squad. Fetyukov, the lowest ranking member of the gang, gives Shukhov his food, telling him he almost... (full context)
Section 2 (Kolya takes Shukhov’s Temperature to Volkovoy’s search)
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
...and the desire he feels for it is stronger than the desire for freedom itself. Fetyukov, “the jackal” as Shukhov refers to him, is eyeing the cigarette too. Shukhov, however, does... (full context)
Section 5 (The arrival at the work site to the beginning of work)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon
As the prisoners sit around, Shukhov watches Fetyukov walk around collecting cigarette butts, which he breaks apart and rolls into a piece of... (full context)
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon
Buynovsky tells Fetyukov to stop picking up the cigarette butts, that he is going to catch diseases that... (full context)
Section 6 (The beginning of work to news of the murdered stool pigeons)
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon
...other wall, another stove burns in order to dry the sand to make the mortar. Fetyukov and Buynovsky are bringing wheelbarrows of sand to dry on it. The narrator notes that... (full context)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Fetyukov and Buynovsky edge up to the stove to warm up. Tyurin drives them off and... (full context)
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Belief and Faith Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon
...others tell him to wait, and so he stands there confused about whom to obey. Fetyukov had found a cozy corner and had his boots up to the heat of the... (full context)
Section 7 (The news of the murdered stoop pigeons to Tyurin’s story)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
Fetyukov chimes in, asking Shukhov if he thinks having your throat slit in your bunk is... (full context)
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
Belief and Faith Theme Icon
...out his spoon, removes his hat, and begins eating. Shukhov grows nervous as he sees Fetyukov standing in front of Pavlo, eyeing the extra bowls. He takes out the piece of... (full context)
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
...sailed the world, looks at the bowl of oatmeal as if it is something miraculous. Fetyukov shoots an angry look at Shukhov and Buynovsky, and leaves. Tsezar’s bowl of oatmeal is... (full context)
Section 8 (Tyurin’s story to the end of the work day)
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
...then give Shukhov enough for a single cigarette. As Shukhov lights the cigarette, he notices Fetyukov glaring at him from across the room. He reflects that he might have given him... (full context)
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Belief and Faith Theme Icon
Buynovsky and Fetyukov are assigned to carry mortar. Buynovsky goes slowly at first because the ramps are steep... (full context)
Section 9 (The end of the work day to the arrival at the camp)
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon, meaning there will be another miscount, which means an additional count. He notices that Fetyukov was out of line bumming a cigarette from another Zek. The guard strikes Fetyukov in... (full context)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon
...about their service. Shukhov ponders the irony of decorated naval officers working alongside men like Fetyukov. The Zeks continue to walk at a steady pace as the guards yell at them... (full context)
Section 11 (Tsezar’s arrival at the parcel room to the purchase of the tobacco)
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
Belief and Faith Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon
The other men arrive, and Shukhov distributes the bowls. Fetyukov arrives, but leaves quickly to go scrounge for leftovers. He puts Pavlo and Tyurin’s supper... (full context)
Section 12 (The purchase of the tobacco to Shukhov’s going to bed)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
...metal, figuring it will take a few days to turn it into a good knife. Fetyukov returns to the barracks sobbing with his face speared with blood—he’d been beaten for scrounging... (full context)