One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich


Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Pavlo Pavlo Character Analysis

The deputy foreman of Gang 104. Although is a younger prisoner, he is not afraid to command the men working under him and does not flinch when standing up to authority figures. Although Pavlo is a natural leader, he is polite and kind, which Shukhov sees as a deficit in the cutthroat environment of the Gulag. Despite this perceived shortcoming, Pavlo’s fairness, patience, and mercy toward his fellow gang members make him a respected leader. And, as Shukhov notes, a Zek will break his back for a foreman he admires.
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Pavlo Pavlo Character Timeline in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

The timeline below shows where the character Pavlo Pavlo appears in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Section1 (Shukhov wakes up to Kolya taking Shukhov’s temperature)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
Shukhov notices that he is feeling sick. He hears his deputy foreman, Pavlo, and the foreman, Tyurin, getting out of bed. Pavlo goes off to the bread storage... (full context)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Belief and Faith Theme Icon
...due with rope sandals or boots made of old tires. Things had grown better after Pavlo had provided Shukhov with a pair of boots big enough for a double layer of... (full context)
Section 2 (Kolya takes Shukhov’s Temperature to Volkovoy’s search)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Belief and Faith Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon
...gang 104 resides, the prisoners lay on their beds waiting for the march to work. Pavlo is up writing something, and Alyosha is reading from a hand written copy the New... (full context)
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Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon
Pavlo calls Shukhov by his patronymic, Ivan Denisovich, when he notices he wasn’t sent to solitary... (full context)
Section 5 (The arrival at the work site to the beginning of work)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
...squad leaders go to the office to get their orders for the day. Tyurin calls Pavlo to go with him to the office, and Tsezar follows. Tsezar is well off, and... (full context)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon
The 104th continues waiting for Tyurin and Pavlo to return. Someone mentions that they haven’t gotten a snowstorm yet that winter. The squad... (full context)
Section 6 (The beginning of work to news of the murdered stool pigeons)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
...only have to show a beaten dog a whip for it to cower. Tyurin tells Pavlo to keep the men working while he goes to check on the percentages, which will... (full context)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon
Shukhov, Pavlo and Kildigs set out to find a way to get the blocks to the second... (full context)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon
Pavlo tells Shukhov, Kildigs, and Senka to take a break before dinner. The men warm their... (full context)
Section 7 (The news of the murdered stoop pigeons to Tyurin’s story)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
...Shukhov if he thinks having your throat slit in your bunk is a quieter life. Pavlo speaks up, claiming that the men who were killed were not men, but “squealers”. The... (full context)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
...are eleven squads and only room for two men in the canteen at a time. Pavlo tells Shukhov and Gopchik to follow him and tells Kildigs to bring the other men... (full context)
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
Pavlo and Shukhov walk into the canteen with Gopchik bringing up the rear. The room is... (full context)
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
...other squad, and clear room for the bowls. When this task is finished, he helps Pavlo move them to the table, being vigilant to keep count of them so no one... (full context)
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
...Shukhov swipes them, and brings them to the table. When the cook turns back around, Pavlo tells him they have only received fourteen. The cook turns and notices they are gone,... (full context)
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Belief and Faith Theme Icon
Shukhov begins eating, knowing that Pavlo will give one of the bowls to him, but not until he finished his first.... (full context)
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
Pavlo hands Buynovsky one of the extra bowls. The narrator notes that Buynovsky, a man who... (full context)
Section 8 (Tyurin’s story to the end of the work day)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Pavlo asks Tyurin if they should begin mixing mortar, but Tyurin ignores him and continues his... (full context)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
...other reason he got up first—he wanted to get the plumb before Kildigs did. Then Pavlo offers to help. Pavlo doesn't have to help, but he is willing to work for... (full context)
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Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
...because he is like a father to the gang. Tyurin steps up to Der, and Pavlo backs him up, shovel in hand. Then Senka steps up beside Pavlo, placing his hands... (full context)
Section 9 (The end of the work day to the arrival at the camp)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon
...if they leave the mortar behind they will be punished for it in the morning. Pavlo begins laying bricks to finish off the freshly mixed mortar. Shukhov pushes Senka out of... (full context)
Section 11 (Tsezar’s arrival at the parcel room to the purchase of the tobacco)
Power and Authority Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
As “The Limper” lets Gang 27 into the mess hall, Shukhov sees Pavlo standing near the door. The mob of Zeks is blocking Shukhov from the 104th, and... (full context)
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Identity, Principles, and Dignity Theme Icon
Competition vs. Camaraderie Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon
Shukhov finds Pavlo at the counter. He is happy to see Shukhov has a tray. They see Gopchik... (full context)
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Belief and Faith Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon
...distributes the bowls. Fetyukov arrives, but leaves quickly to go scrounge for leftovers. He puts Pavlo and Tyurin’s supper to the side, making sure they are “thick bowls” with plenty of... (full context)