

Edward W. Said

Richard Francis Burton Character Analysis

Richard Francis Burton was a 19th-century British explorer, adventurer, and writer, and military officer. Although he studied Arabic formally, Burton was a perpetual outsider who was expelled from university as a disciplinary action before he could graduate. Despite this early severing of ties with academic Orientalism, Burton’s life and work—particularly his travel narrative, Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah—show the extent to which Orientalist discourse steeped the worldviews of 19th century Europeans. Burton deploys the usual Orientalist tropes in his narrative, including a sharp division between the West and the Orient; attributing both exoticism and backwardness to Oriental subjects; and a sense of Western superiority and potential geopolitical power.
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Richard Francis Burton Character Timeline in Orientalism

The timeline below shows where the character Richard Francis Burton appears in Orientalism. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2, Part 4
Knowledge and Power Theme Icon
Belief, Consensus, and Reality Theme Icon
The Personal as Political Theme Icon
Thus, Said finds that Richard Francis Burton’s Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah bears the marks of a struggle... (full context)
Belief, Consensus, and Reality Theme Icon
Despite Burton’s originality, his work—like the others discussed in this chapter—exists in the context of what Flaubert... (full context)