Out of the Silent Planet


C. S. Lewis

Dr. Elwin Ransom Character Analysis

The protagonist of the novel, Ransom is a philologist don (linguistics professor) at Cambridge taking a gap year to walk through the English countryside. He is captured by Weston and Devine, then used as “ransom” for the entire human race so that Weston and Devine can continue their exploitative explorations of the planet Mars (called Malacandra by the sentient inhabitants). Ransom’s sacrifice proves to be unnecessary to the kind ruler of Malacandra, in line with Lewis’s ideas about rejecting older forms of pagan sacrifice in favor of the grace Lewis finds in the Christian faith. On Malacandra, Ransom at first reacts with fear towards the Malacandran species, but is eventually able to overcome this and becomes curious about the language and culture of the hrossa, the first species on Malacandra that he meets. While living with the hrossa, Ransom becomes friends with the hross Hyoi and learns about the religion of Malacandra and the similarities to Christian spirituality on Earth. Ransom eventually obeys the summons of Oyarsa, the guardian spirit of Malacandra, and learns of the “bent” (evil) nature of Earth, called the silent planet (Thulcandra) by the Malacandrans. Ransom dedicates himself to opposing Weston’s damaging views about the superiority of human civilization and returns to Earth to share the view of utopia he found on Malacandra, becoming Lewis’s spokesperson within the novel of what Lewis sees as correct moral living that respects all beings.

Dr. Elwin Ransom Quotes in Out of the Silent Planet

The Out of the Silent Planet quotes below are all either spoken by Dr. Elwin Ransom or refer to Dr. Elwin Ransom. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
Chapter 1 Quotes

There was something about the whole scene suspicious enough and disagreeable enough to convince him that he had blundered on something criminal, while on the other hand he had all the deep, irrational conviction of his age and class that such things could never cross the path of an ordinary person except in fiction and could least of all be associated with professors and old school-fellows. Even if they had been ill-treating the boy Ransom did not see much chance of getting him from them by force.

Related Characters: Lewis (The Narrator) (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom, Dr. Weston, Dick Devine
Page Number: 15
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 2 Quotes

Ransom could never be sure whether what followed had any bearing on the events recorded in this book or whether it was merely an irresponsible dream.

Related Characters: Lewis (The Narrator) (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom
Page Number: 20
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 3 Quotes

Ransom was by now thoroughly frightened—not with the prosaic fright that a man suffers in a war, but with a heady, bounding kind of fear that was hardly distinguishable from his general excitement: he was poised on a sort of emotional watershed from which, he felt, he might at any moment pass into delirious terror or into an ecstasy of joy.

Related Characters: Lewis (The Narrator) (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom
Page Number: 25
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 4 Quotes

“I consider your philosophy of life raving lunacy. I suppose all that stuff about infinity and eternity means that you think you are justified in doing anything—absolutely anything—here and now, on the off chance that some creatures or other descended from man as we know him may crawl about a few centuries longer in some part of the universe.”
“Yes—anything whatever,” returned the scientist sternly, “and all educated opinion—for I do not call classics and history and such trash education—is entirely on my side.”

Related Characters: Dr. Elwin Ransom (speaker), Dr. Weston (speaker)
Page Number: 29-30
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 5 Quotes

He had read of “Space”: at the back of his thinking for years had lurked the dismal fancy of the black, cold vacuity, the utter deadness, which was supposed to separate the worlds. He had not known how much it affected him till now—now that the very name “Space” seemed a blasphemous libel for this empyrean ocean of radiance in which they swam. He could not call it “dead”; he felt life pouring into him from it every moment. How indeed should it be otherwise, since out of this ocean the worlds and all their life had come? ... No: space was the wrong name. Older thinkers had been wiser when they named it simply the heavens—the heavens which declared the glory…

Related Characters: Lewis (The Narrator) (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom
Related Symbols: The Heavens
Page Number: 34
Explanation and Analysis:

The sorns would be . . . would be . . . he dared not think what the sorns would be. And he was to be given to them. Somehow this seemed more horrible than being caught by them. Given, handed over, offered. He saw in imagination various incompatible monstrosities—bulbous eyes, grinning jaws, horns, stings, mandibles…
But the reality would be worse: it would be an extra-terrestrial Otherness—something one had never thought of, never could have thought of.

Related Characters: Lewis (The Narrator) (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 9 Quotes

The creature was talking. It had a language. If you are not yourself a philologist, I am afraid you must take on trust the prodigious emotional consequences of this realization in Ransom's mind. A new world he had already seen—but a new, an extra-terrestrial, a non-human language was a different matter. Somehow, he had not thought of this in connection with the sorns; now, it flashed upon him like a revelation. The love of knowledge is a kind of madness. In the fraction of a second which it took Ransom to decide that the creature was really talking, and while he still knew that he might be facing instant death, his imagination had leaped over every fear and hope and probability of his situation to follow the dazzling project of making a Malacandrian grammar.

Related Characters: Lewis (The Narrator) (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom, Hyoi
Page Number: 56
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 10 Quotes

Perhaps the hrossa had a mythology—he took it for granted they were on a low cultural level—and the seroni were gods or demons.

Related Characters: Lewis (The Narrator) (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom
Page Number: 65
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 11 Quotes

Ever since he had discovered the rationality of the hrossa he had been haunted by a conscientious scruple as to whether it might not be his duty to undertake their religious instruction; now, as a result of his tentative efforts, he found himself being treated as if he were the savage and being given a first sketch of civilized religion—a sort of hrossian equivalent of the shorter catechism.

Related Characters: Lewis (The Narrator) (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom
Page Number: 69
Explanation and Analysis:

On Malacandra, apparently, three distinct species had reached rationality, and none of them had yet exterminated the other two. It concerned him intensely to find out which was the real master.
"Which of the hnau rule?" he asked.
"Oyarsa rules," was the reply.

Related Characters: Dr. Elwin Ransom (speaker), Lewis (The Narrator) (speaker), Oyarsa
Page Number: 70
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 12 Quotes

At last it dawned upon him that it was not they, but his own species, that were the puzzle. That the hrossa should have such instincts was mildly surprising; but how came it that the instincts of the hrossa so closely resembled the unattained ideals of that far-divided species Man whose instincts were so deplorably different? What was the history of Man?

Related Characters: Lewis (The Narrator) (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom, Hyoi
Page Number: 75
Explanation and Analysis:

I will tell you a day in my life that has shaped me; such a day as comes only once, like love, or serving Oyarsa in Meldilorn. Then I was young, not much more than a cub, when I went far, far up the handramit to the land where stars shine at midday and even water is cold. A great waterfall I climbed…Because I have stood there alone, Maleldil and I, for even Oyarsa sent me no word, my heart has been higher, my song deeper, all my days. But do you think it would have been so unless I had known that in Balki hneraki dwelled? There I drank life because death was in the pool.

Related Characters: Hyoi (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom, Maleldil the Young
Related Symbols: The Hnakra
Page Number: 76
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 13 Quotes

He was one with them. That difficulty which they, accustomed to more than one rational species, had perhaps never felt, was now overcome. They were all hnau. They had stood shoulder to shoulder in the face of an enemy, and the shapes of their heads no longer mattered. And he, even Ransom, had come through it and not been disgraced. He had grown up.

Related Characters: Lewis (The Narrator) (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom, Hyoi, Whin
Related Symbols: The Hnakra
Page Number: 81-82
Explanation and Analysis:

“No,” said Whin. “I have been thinking. All this has come from not obeying the eldil. He said you were to go to Oyarsa. You ought to have been already on the road. You must go now…”

Related Characters: Whin (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom, Hyoi, Oyarsa
Page Number: 83
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 16 Quotes

"I like the hrossa," said Ransom a little stiffly. "And I think the way they talk about death is the right way."
"They are right not to fear it, Ren-soom, but they do not seem to look at it reasonably as part of the very nature of our bodies—and therefore often avoidable at times when they would never see how to avoid it.

Related Characters: Dr. Elwin Ransom (speaker), Augray (speaker)
Page Number: 97-98
Explanation and Analysis:

They were astonished at what he had to tell them of human history—of war, slavery and prostitution.
"It is because they have no Oyarsa," said one of the pupils.
"It is because every one of them wants to be a little Oyarsa himself," said Augray.
"They cannot help it," said the old sorn. "There must be rule, yet how can creatures rule themselves? Beasts must be ruled by hnau and hnau by eldila and eldila by Maleldil.”

Related Characters: Augray (speaker), Lewis (The Narrator) (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom, Oyarsa
Page Number: 103
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 17 Quotes

He knew before his guide told him that this was Meldilorn. He did not know what he had expected. The old dreams which he had brought from Earth of some more than American complexity of offices or some engineers’ paradise of vast machines had indeed been long laid aside. But he had not looked for anything quite so classic, so virginal, as this bright grove—lying so still, so secret, in its coloured valley, soaring with inimitable grace so many hundred feet into the wintry sunlight.

Related Characters: Lewis (The Narrator) (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom
Page Number: 105
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 18 Quotes

“It was not always so. Once we knew the Oyarsa of your world—he was brighter and greater than I—and then we did not call it Thulcandra. It is the longest of all stories and the bitterest. He became bent. That was before any life came on your world. Those were the Bent Years of which we still speak in the heavens, when he was not yet bound to Thulcandra but free like us. It was in his mind to spoil other worlds besides his own.”

Related Characters: Oyarsa (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom, The Bent One
Page Number: 119-120
Explanation and Analysis:

They thought I wanted one of your race to eat and went to fetch one. If they had come a few miles to see me I would have received them honourably; now they have twice gone a voyage of millions of miles for nothing and will appear before me none the less. And you also, Ransom of Thulcandra, you have taken many vain troubles to avoid standing where you stand now.

Related Characters: Oyarsa (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom, Dr. Weston, Dick Devine
Page Number: 121
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Chapter 19 Quotes

Through his knowledge of the creatures and his love for them he began, ever so little, to hear it with their ears. A sense of great masses moving at visionary speeds, of giants dancing, of eternal sorrows eternally consoled, of he knew not what and yet what he had always known, awoke in him with the very first bars of the deep-mouthed dirge, and bowed down his spirit as if the gate of heaven had opened before him.

Related Characters: Lewis (The Narrator) (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom
Page Number: 130
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 21 Quotes

He could not feel that they were an island of life journeying through an abyss of death. He felt almost the opposite—that life was waiting outside the little iron egg-shell in which they rode, ready at any moment to break in, and that, if it killed them, it would kill them by excess of its vitality. He hoped passionately that if they were to perish they would perish by the "unbodying" of the space-ship and not by suffocation within it. To be let out, to be free, to dissolve into the ocean of eternal noon, seemed to him at certain moments a consummation even more desirable than their return to Earth.

Related Characters: Lewis (The Narrator) (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom
Related Symbols: The Heavens
Page Number: 145
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 22 Quotes

It was Dr. Ransom who first saw that our only chance was to publish in the form of fiction what would certainly not be listened to as fact… "what we need for the moment is not so much a body of belief as a body of people familiarized with certain ideas. If we could even effect in one per cent of our readers a change-over from the conception of Space to the conception of Heaven, we should have made a beginning."

Related Characters: Lewis (The Narrator) (speaker), Dr. Elwin Ransom
Related Symbols: The Heavens
Page Number: 152
Explanation and Analysis:
Postscript Quotes

Like you, I can't help trying to fix their relation to the things that appear in terrestrial tradition—gods, angels, fairies. But we haven't the data. When I attempted to give Oyarsa some idea of our own Christian angelology, he certainly seemed to regard our "angels" as different in some way from himself. But whether he meant that they were a different species, or only that they were some special military caste (since our poor old earth turns out to be a kind of Ypres Salient in the universe), I don't know.

Related Characters: Dr. Elwin Ransom (speaker), Lewis (The Narrator)
Page Number: 156
Explanation and Analysis:
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Dr. Elwin Ransom Character Timeline in Out of the Silent Planet

The timeline below shows where the character Dr. Elwin Ransom appears in Out of the Silent Planet. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
...academic man, and indeed is a philologist (linguist) at Cambridge college. His name is Dr. Ransom. Ransom is disheartened at first to see that Sterk seems to be mostly farmland, until... (full context)
Civilization and Utopia Theme Icon
When Ransom arrives at the small cottage, a woman there explains that there is likely no place... (full context)
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Ransom follows the woman’s directions to the estate called The Rise, but finds the gate locked.... (full context)
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Ransom rushes to the back of the house and sees a child, whom he assumes to... (full context)
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Devine happily explains to Ransom that Harry is prone to fits, and says that he and Weston were simply trying... (full context)
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...at Harry’s fear of Weston’s laboratory and takes Harry into the house for a drink. Ransom follows reluctantly, seeing that Weston does not really want him here, but he is tired... (full context)
Chapter 2
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Ransom comes in to Weston and Devine’s sitting room, remembering again how little he liked Devine... (full context)
Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Ransom gratefully waits to be handed a drink, but Devine gets distracted asking why Ransom is... (full context)
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Ransom has what he thinks is a dream, but the narrator explains that it might have... (full context)
Civilization and Utopia Theme Icon
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Ransom regains consciousness and realizes he has been drugged. Over Ransom’s head, Devine tells Weston that... (full context)
Chapter 3
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Ransom wakes again with a horrible headache in a bed in a very warm, dark room.... (full context)
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
In the light of the strangely large moon, Ransom inspects his room. The walls seem to rise at a slant so that the ceiling... (full context)
Civilization and Utopia Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Ransom sits on the bed again, staring at the moon and realizing that his room is... (full context)
Chapter 4
Civilization and Utopia Theme Icon
Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Ransom sinks back to the bed, aware of nothing but his fear. Gradually, Ransom regains his... (full context)
Civilization and Utopia Theme Icon
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Ransom asks if Malacandra is a star, and Weston tells him that Malacandra is the true... (full context)
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Weston refuses to talk with Ransom anymore and brings Ransom into another room for breakfast. As he walks, Ransom feels like... (full context)
Chapter 5
Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Ransom tries to get more information about Malacandra from Devine, who is far more talkative than... (full context)
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Though he expects to be afraid of space, Ransom finds that he can’t feel anything but wonderful while meditating on the gorgeous views outside... (full context)
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Ransom eventually rejects the modern scientific image of space as a cold, empty void. It seems... (full context)
Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Ransom takes over cooking on the ship. One night, while washing up the dinner dishes, he... (full context)
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
Civilization and Utopia Theme Icon
Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Ransom creeps back to his room, dreading the descent from the heavens to face becoming a... (full context)
Chapter 6
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Ransom wakes up feeling much better, hoping that he can master his own fear. Over the... (full context)
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Ransom mourns the loss of the heavenly light as they enter Malacandra’s atmosphere. Ransom realizes that... (full context)
Chapter 7
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Devine and Weston prepare to leave the space ship, and Ransom’s fears of the death waiting for him on Malacandra return. Devine steps out of the... (full context)
Civilization and Utopia Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Ransom sees a hut built on the shore of what seems to be a lake, and... (full context)
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
The hut is built on a peninsula with water on three sides. Ransom tries to make out objects on the far shore and thinks that he sees a... (full context)
Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Devine stops their work for lunch and Ransom forces himself to eat. Weston and Devine are too distracted by constantly searching the horizon... (full context)
Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Devine and Weston force Ransom to the water’s edge as Ransom fights to get away. Suddenly, Weston fires his pistol... (full context)
Chapter 8
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Ransom gives up on running, but keeps walking through the forest as fast as possible. Ransom... (full context)
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Ransom keeps walking, easily crossing several steep ridges. Ransom reflects on how everything on Malacandra seems... (full context)
Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
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Night begins to fall and Ransom notices that the streams in the bottom of many of the gullies are warmer than... (full context)
Chapter 9
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Ransom wakes up thinking about another man wandering in the wood who may be able to... (full context)
Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
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Ransom begins walking, stopping every few minutes to remind himself that he is Ransom, and he... (full context)
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Ransom gets startled when a large multitude of yellow shapes appears around the next group of... (full context)
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Ransom’s heart then drops again as he catches a moving blur out of the corner of... (full context)
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
The black creature (later known as Hyoi) begins to make noises, which Ransom’s linguist ear interprets as speech. Ransom’s entire demeanor changes, as he begins to wonder about... (full context)
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Ransom carefully gets to his knees and the creature (Hyoi) takes small steps towards Ransom. Ransom... (full context)
Civilization and Utopia Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
...shell with water from the lake and then holds the shell up to its belly. Ransom is disgusted to think the creature might be urinating, but then realizes that it is... (full context)
Civilization and Utopia Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
The creature (Hyoi) flaps a paw on its chest and says, “hross.” Ransom interprets this as the species’ name and points to his own chest saying, “man.” The... (full context)
Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Ransom follows the hross (Hyoi) to a boat, where he is both surprised and happy to... (full context)
Chapter 10
Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
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Ransom and the hross (Hyoi) finish eating and the hross gets into the boat. Ransom wishes... (full context)
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Civilization and Utopia Theme Icon
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...down the river. They pass through the forest and paddle out into a large lake. Ransom realizes that they are in a deep gorge with highlands ringed by the green jagged... (full context)
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Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
...as the boat begins to flow in a strong current. The strange, choppy waves make Ransom horribly seasick and he is ashamed to think that this is the vision that the... (full context)
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Ransom and the hross (Hyoi) walk along a ridge where Ransom can see the full landscape... (full context)
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Ransom and the hross (Hyoi) walk to another stream and continue the journey by boat as... (full context)
Chapter 11
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Ransom had spent plenty of time on the spaceship thinking about his chances of returning from... (full context)
Civilization and Utopia Theme Icon
Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Hnohra explains that the hrossa call Earth “Thulcandra” - the silent planet. Ransom tries to ask why, but Hnohra simply tells him that the seroni would know, and... (full context)
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
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Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Ransom assumes that Oyarsa is the god who created the world, but the hrossa gathered around... (full context)
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Ransom asks more about the pfifltriggi and finds that they are expert craftsmen who create art... (full context)
Civilization and Utopia Theme Icon
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The hrossa are also eager to learn about Earth, but Ransom finds that he does not know enough about how Earth actually functions to answer all... (full context)
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
Ransom goes with Hyoi to ready Hyoi’s boat for a hnakra hunt. On the way, they... (full context)
Chapter 12
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Ransom and Hyoi work on Hyoi’s boat as the other hrossa also prepare for the hunt.... (full context)
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Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
...repeatedly, for the pleasure is in remembering happiness, not overindulging in things that bring happiness. Ransom asks if Hyoi has ever wanted to hear an especially good line of poetry again.... (full context)
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Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Ransom asks Hyoi if there are any “bent” hrossa that break these rules about how to... (full context)
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Ransom asks why Maleldil would create the hnakra, if he only wants what is good for... (full context)
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
Ransom thinks of Hrikki again, and asks Hyoi who the hrossa are speaking to when they... (full context)
Chapter 13
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The next morning, the entire hrossa village is buzzing with excitement for the hnakra hunt. Ransom is honored to join Hyoi in his boat with another young male hross named Whin,... (full context)
Civilization and Utopia Theme Icon
Ransom learns that the hrossa have the advantage of numbers and intelligence, while the hnakra has... (full context)
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Hyoi paddles out into the water and Ransom scans the calm surface tensely for any sign of the hnakra swimming underneath. After a... (full context)
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...it. Hyoi throws spears into the water to bait the hnakra into opening its mouth. Ransom too throws spears, but then is himself thrown out of the boat when Whin paddles... (full context)
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Ransom, Hyoi, and Whin splash to shore and hug each other with joy and relief. Ransom... (full context)
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Ransom kneels by Hyoi’s head and desperately explains that the two bent humans who came with... (full context)
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Ransom tells Whin that the hrossa should kill all three humans if they are wise. Whin... (full context)
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Whin tells Ransom how to get to Meldilorn, a two-day journey which will take him out of the... (full context)
Chapter 14
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Ransom starts his journey to Meldilorn, fighting a strong urge to give himself up to Weston,... (full context)
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
About an hour after noon, Ransom walks out of the forest and to the base of one of the mountain spires.... (full context)
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
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As Ransom keeps walking, he sees the stars above him more clearly than ever and realizes that... (full context)
Chapter 15
Civilization and Utopia Theme Icon
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The sorn (later revealed as Augray) welcomes Ransom in, and Ransom finds himself surprisingly calm at meeting the very thing he has been... (full context)
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Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
Ransom introduces himself, and the sorn says he is Augray. Ransom inspects the sorn’s long, feather-covered... (full context)
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Ransom asks Augray if the sorn rule the hrossa. Augray answers that Oyarsa rules all the... (full context)
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Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
Ransom asks Augray why Oyarsa has sent for him. Augray guesses that Oyarsa wants to meet... (full context)
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Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
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Augray leads Ransom to a dark, warm chamber. Out a small window, Augray points out a silver disc... (full context)
Chapter 16
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Ransom wakes the next morning in Augray’s cavern no longer afraid of the sorns, but still... (full context)
Civilization and Utopia Theme Icon
Augray gives Ransom a portable oxygen tank, made by the pfifltriggi. Ransom tries to find out if the... (full context)
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
Civilization and Utopia Theme Icon
Despite the odd, cat-like gait of the sorn, Ransom finds the journey very comfortable - even fun. He observes the strange landscape of the... (full context)
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
Acceptance and Curiosity vs. Fear of the Unknown Theme Icon
In the afternoon, Augray and Ransom see three sorns walking towards them. Ransom is struck by how graceful they look now... (full context)
Christian Imagery and Thought  Theme Icon
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Human Nature and Morality Theme Icon
...other sorns in the cavern who seem to be students of the older sorn, and Ransom does his best to answer their many systematic questions about Earth, from its geology to... (full context)
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...humans are so close-minded - they have no other species to teach them other perspectives. Ransom feels very vulnerable and tired after this conversation, and goes to bed. As he falls... (full context)
Chapter 17
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The next morning, Ransom and Augray descend into the handramit where Meldilorn and Oyarsa can be found. They re-enter... (full context)
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When Augray and Ransom reach the edge of the forest, they find a gong made of a greenish metal,... (full context)
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Hrinha paddles the boat away, explaining that Ransom is free to do as he wishes in Meldilorn until Oyarsa calls for him. Ransom... (full context)
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Ransom inspects the island further, getting the odd feeling that the island is also watching him.... (full context)
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That afternoon, Ransom walks to the middle of the island to avoid talking to any other hnau. He... (full context)
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One scene on the stones particularly puzzles Ransom, until he figures out that it is a picture of the solar system and the... (full context)
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Ransom is startled out of his inspection of the pictures by the arrival of a small... (full context)
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The pfifltrigg (Kanakaberaka) finishes Ransom’s portrait and invites Ransom to look. The stone now holds a scene of three humans... (full context)
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Ransom suddenly notices that the pfifltrigg is speaking the hrossan language, and asks if that means... (full context)
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...of deep mines. All the pfifltriggi share the work of mining and stone craft equally. Ransom mentions that some people on Earth are forced to mine their whole lives for others... (full context)
Chapter 18
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That night, Ransom sleeps in a guest house and reflects on the easy peace between all three Malacandrian... (full context)
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Ransom follows his instincts to the center of the island amid the grove of golden flowers.... (full context)
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...hnau rise and bow their heads as Oyarsa walks up to the avenue of stones. Ransom has no words to describe the figure coming towards him, a solid being made of... (full context)
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Oyarsa tells Ransom that he was the one who sent the sorns that met Ransom his first day... (full context)
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Ransom tells Oyarsa that he was kidnapped and brought here by very bent men, full of... (full context)
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Oyarsa has two questions for Ransom: First, why the humans have come to Malacandra, and second, how the war between Maleldil... (full context)
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Oyarsa asks Ransom again for news of the battle on Thulcandra. Ransom cannot answer, unsure if he can... (full context)
Chapter 19
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When the hrossa party comes closer, Ransom sees that they are carrying three long bundles and guarding two creatures. The two creatures... (full context)
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...skills are very poor, and he looks idiotic to the audience of Malacandrians, and to Ransom. (full context)
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...gold necklace in front of the hross guards as a bribe to set him free. Ransom is disgusted to hear how primitive and stupid his fellow humans sound. The audience of... (full context)
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Unable to take the humiliation of humanity any longer, Ransom tells Weston to stop. Weston ignores Ransom, whispering to Devine about the possibility of giving... (full context)
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Ransom explains to Weston in English that there is no witch-doctor, and the voice they are... (full context)
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The hrossa in the stone circle all begin to sing, and Ransom is finally able to appreciate the strange hrossan music. He feels the presence of heaven... (full context)
Chapter 20
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...and pain of Weston’s time in Malacandra. Oyarsa scolds Weston for his willingness to betray Ransom, a fellow human being, to protect his own life. Oyarsa tells Weston that the Bent... (full context)
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...but Weston is too frustrated by his lack of Malacandrian language. Oyarsa tells Weston that Ransom will translate from English. (full context)
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...the dictates of morality. Humans must do anything they must to preserve their civilization forever. Ransom translates this into basic Malacandrian, stripping the words of their pompous air and explaining only... (full context)
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...with bodies that look different. Furthermore, Oyarsa exposes Weston’s hypocrisy in his willingness to kill Ransom, when he claims to care about all humans. When Ransom translates Oyarsa’s words, Weston sputters... (full context)
Chapter 21
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Weston and Devine are taken to a guest house while Ransom stays to talk with Oyarsa. A mysterious narrator (later shown to be Lewis himself) explains... (full context)
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...entirely and devotes himself to drinking. The spaceship takes off, and the handramits in which Ransom lived grow smaller. Ransom fears that all he has learned on the trip will disappear... (full context)
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As the spaceship continues to blast away from Malacandra, Ransom is overcome by fear at the sight of black space swallowing the bright disc of... (full context)
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As the days of oxygen tick down, Ransom hopes that they will be killed by the disappearance of the spaceship and left to... (full context)
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Over the next weeks, Ransom realizes that Weston is bringing them far closer to the sun than they had come... (full context)
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Weston, Devine, and Ransom all hope wildly that they will make it to Earth, doing little but staring at... (full context)
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Ransom goes to his bedroom to prepare himself for this inevitable death, and surprisingly falls asleep.... (full context)
Chapter 22
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...but there are certain things left to reveal about how this book was written. Dr. Ransom, an alias for an actual professor in England, quickly abandoned his dreams of publishing a... (full context)
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Lewis explains that he was a student of Dr. Ransom’s, often asking for help with for literary and linguistic questions. A few months ago, Lewis... (full context)
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...as truth, for fear of retaliation by the real “Weston,” but continues to help Dr. Ransom collect evidence from Platonist thinkers to form a resistance for the inevitable time when Weston... (full context)
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The postscript includes excerpts of letters from Dr. Ransom to Lewis. They describe certain corrections that Dr. Ransom wanted made to the manuscript, as... (full context)
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Dr. Ransom apologizes that he was not able to find out more about the varieties of hrossa... (full context)
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Dr. Ransom turns to one of Lewis’s questions from an earlier letter: whether Augray equated superior beings... (full context)
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Dr. Ransom then shares two scenes of Malacandra that have always stayed with him. One is at... (full context)
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The other scene Ransom remembers is bathing with Hyoi one night. He looks up from the lake to see... (full context)