Grace Balegamire Quotes in Outcasts United
The boys formed a circle at midfield, draped their arms around each other, and bowed their heads. Both Grace and Eldin felt more comfort able praying the way they’d been taught—in their native languages. No one objected as Grace prayed aloud in Swahili and Eldin in Bosnian, first for the health and safety of their teammates, and then, if God saw fit, for a victory.
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Grace Balegamire Quotes in Outcasts United
The boys formed a circle at midfield, draped their arms around each other, and bowed their heads. Both Grace and Eldin felt more comfort able praying the way they’d been taught—in their native languages. No one objected as Grace prayed aloud in Swahili and Eldin in Bosnian, first for the health and safety of their teammates, and then, if God saw fit, for a victory.
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