Outcasts United


Warren St. John

Grace Balegamire Character Analysis

A boy from the Congo who plays on the Under Thirteens team. Through much of the book, Grace’s father is in prison in Kinshasa and they are unsure of when he will be released. At the end of the book, he learns that his father has been freed and is trying to get to the United States. Grace also introduces Bien to the Fugees.

Grace Balegamire Quotes in Outcasts United

The Outcasts United quotes below are all either spoken by Grace Balegamire or refer to Grace Balegamire. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 27 Quotes

The boys formed a circle at midfield, draped their arms around each other, and bowed their heads. Both Grace and Eldin felt more comfort able praying the way they’d been taught—in their native languages. No one objected as Grace prayed aloud in Swahili and Eldin in Bosnian, first for the health and safety of their teammates, and then, if God saw fit, for a victory.

Related Characters: Warren St. John (speaker), Grace Balegamire, Eldin Subasic
Page Number: 201
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Grace Balegamire Quotes in Outcasts United

The Outcasts United quotes below are all either spoken by Grace Balegamire or refer to Grace Balegamire. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 27 Quotes

The boys formed a circle at midfield, draped their arms around each other, and bowed their heads. Both Grace and Eldin felt more comfort able praying the way they’d been taught—in their native languages. No one objected as Grace prayed aloud in Swahili and Eldin in Bosnian, first for the health and safety of their teammates, and then, if God saw fit, for a victory.

Related Characters: Warren St. John (speaker), Grace Balegamire, Eldin Subasic
Page Number: 201
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