Past the Shallows


Favel Parrett

Stuart Phillips Character Analysis

A friend and peer of Harry Curren who lives in an old, run-down trailer on the outskirts of town. Stuart’s mother runs a roadside berry stand for a living and allows Harry to stay with them after a particularly violent episode of abuse from Dad and Jeff. Stuart’s company is a means of escape for Harry, who is eager to share his money and belongings with his friend.

Stuart Phillips Quotes in Past the Shallows

The Past the Shallows quotes below are all either spoken by Stuart Phillips or refer to Stuart Phillips. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 27 Quotes

And it nearly made Harry cry now, the way Miles’s eyelid was all purple and cut—the bruise on the side of his face coming up bad. Harry put his hand in his pocket and felt for the sock that held his leftover money. He pulled it out.

“You should take this,” he said. “You might need it.”

Miles shook his head. “You keep it,” he said and he tried to smile.

Related Characters: Harry Curren (speaker), Miles Curren (speaker), Dad/Steven Curren, George Fuller, Mum, Aunty Jean, Jeff, Stuart Phillips
Page Number: 152-153
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…Harry didn’t see him come back. There was just the backpack with some clothes left by the door of the trailer and inside, near the top, were some chocolates and the bright orange dart gun from his Bertie Beetle goodie bag.

Related Characters: Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, George Fuller, Jeff, Stuart Phillips
Page Number: 153
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Stuart Phillips Quotes in Past the Shallows

The Past the Shallows quotes below are all either spoken by Stuart Phillips or refer to Stuart Phillips. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 27 Quotes

And it nearly made Harry cry now, the way Miles’s eyelid was all purple and cut—the bruise on the side of his face coming up bad. Harry put his hand in his pocket and felt for the sock that held his leftover money. He pulled it out.

“You should take this,” he said. “You might need it.”

Miles shook his head. “You keep it,” he said and he tried to smile.

Related Characters: Harry Curren (speaker), Miles Curren (speaker), Dad/Steven Curren, George Fuller, Mum, Aunty Jean, Jeff, Stuart Phillips
Page Number: 152-153
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…Harry didn’t see him come back. There was just the backpack with some clothes left by the door of the trailer and inside, near the top, were some chocolates and the bright orange dart gun from his Bertie Beetle goodie bag.

Related Characters: Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, George Fuller, Jeff, Stuart Phillips
Page Number: 153
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