Past the Shallows


Favel Parrett

Mr. Roberts/Brian Character Analysis

A successful abalone fisherman who is the envy of other men in the community. His son, Justin, was once a close friend of Miles Curren, and Mr. Roberts’s role as a loving, supportive father is a stark contrast to Dad’s abusive behavior. One evening, after Dad abandons Miles to drink at the local pub, Mr. Roberts helps the young man moor his fishing boat and gives him a ride home. Mr. Roberts seems to be aware of Dad’s mistreatment of the boys, but although he encourages Miles to stand up to his father, he does not intervene to help the Curren brothers.

Mr. Roberts/Brian Quotes in Past the Shallows

The Past the Shallows quotes below are all either spoken by Mr. Roberts/Brian or refer to Mr. Roberts/Brian. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 11 Quotes

“Don’t you get stuck here with your dad,” he said. “Don’t you let him…You’re too young to be out there working, Miles. It’s not right.”

Miles felt the words sink down right inside him.

“You’ve had it rough enough,” he said.

Related Characters: Mr. Roberts/Brian (speaker), Miles Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, Justin Roberts
Page Number: 72
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Mr. Roberts/Brian Quotes in Past the Shallows

The Past the Shallows quotes below are all either spoken by Mr. Roberts/Brian or refer to Mr. Roberts/Brian. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 11 Quotes

“Don’t you get stuck here with your dad,” he said. “Don’t you let him…You’re too young to be out there working, Miles. It’s not right.”

Miles felt the words sink down right inside him.

“You’ve had it rough enough,” he said.

Related Characters: Mr. Roberts/Brian (speaker), Miles Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, Justin Roberts
Page Number: 72
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