Past the Shallows


Favel Parrett

Although the Curren brothers come from a long line of abalone fishermen and have been raised on an island, they have a complicated attitude toward the water, which parallels their tumultuous relationship with Dad, an abusive alcoholic. Although water is the source of the family’s livelihood and is an outlet of escape for Joe and Miles (who love to surf), it is also a powerful, mysterious force which the boys believe took the life of their beloved Uncle Nick. As a result, Miles is afraid to dive in deep water and Harry refuses to set foot in the ocean altogether. Similarly, Dad’s role as a father figure is to provide and nurture, yet he is also a violent force that continually threatens the family’s safety. Whereas, for Miles, his father starts out as a normal, loving parent and the ocean begins as a lighthearted outlet of escape that is “just for fun,” Dad and the water slowly become tandem sinister forces that ultimately claim the most important figure in Mile’s life—his little brother Harry. Just as Miles is forced to protect Harry from Dad’s cruelty and neglect, he also desperately tries to save his little brother from the ocean’s bitterly cold grasp after Dad throws him overboard. Although Harry drowns to death, this harrowing experience does not scare Miles and Joe away from the water, and they are still determined to surf and spend time on Joe’s boat after losing Harry. While the ocean is an ongoing representation of the boys’ fraught relationship with Dad, it also comes to reflects Miles and Joe’s inner strength as the brothers sail away from Bruny Island in Joe’s boat. Ultimately, Miles and Joe are able to find freedom in the very thing that caused so much destruction, and they refuse to succumb to the blame, fear, and abuse that plagued their father.

Water Quotes in Past the Shallows

The Past the Shallows quotes below all refer to the symbol of Water. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

Water that was always there. Always everywhere. The sound and the smell and the cold waves making Harry different. And it wasn’t just because he was the youngest. He knew the way he felt about the ocean would never leave him now. It would be there always, right inside him.

Related Characters: Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Joe Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, Mum
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 3
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Chapter 2 Quotes

There were things that no one would teach you—things about the water. You just knew them or you didn’t and no one could tell you how to read it. How to feel it. Miles knew the water. He could feel it. And he knew not to trust it.

Related Characters: Miles Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, Uncle Nick, Jeff, Martin
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 12
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Chapter 17 Quotes

Maybe that’s why Joe and Miles liked it so much. And he knew that Granddad would have taken him. It was just that he was too little, too small to go, when Granddad had been alive. And if Granddad hadn’t died then he definitely would have taken Harry fishing, too. And it would have been good, like this was.

Related Characters: Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Joe Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, George Fuller, Uncle Nick, Granddad
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 102
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Chapter 22 Quotes

He lived for this, for these moments when everything stops except your heart beating and time bends and ripples—moves past your eyes frame by frame and you feel beyond time and before time and no one can touch you.

Related Characters: Miles Curren, Joe Curren, Dad/Steven Curren
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 124
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Chapter 36 Quotes

He just kept starting at Harry. And his hand moved away from Harry’s hair, moved down to the string around his neck. And he cupped it in his palm—a white pointer’s tooth.

“It’s his,” he said, and his face went pale. “His.”

He let the tooth go. He stared down at Harry.

“She was leaving, because of him. Because of you.”

Related Characters: Dad/Steven Curren (speaker), Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Uncle Nick, Mum, Jeff
Related Symbols: Water, The Shark Tooth
Page Number: 198
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Chapter 37 Quotes

But ultimately it wasn’t up to you. This ocean could hold you down for as long as it liked, and Miles knew it.

Related Characters: Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, Uncle Nick, Mum
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 204-205
Explanation and Analysis:

There was a black emptiness inside him and it was all that he could see. He tried to imagine a fire in the darkness, and at first it was just one blue flame too small to feel. But he willed it on, felt the first flicker of warmth as it grew. Then it raged, turned into a ball of fire, orange and red and hungry. It devoured his stomach, moved up to his lungs, his back. Moved into his heart. He shared it with Harry through his skin.

Related Characters: Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, Mum
Related Symbols: Water, Light
Page Number: 208
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Chapter 39 Quotes

He had been drifting for a lifetime and his mind had lost its way. It was dissolving and he had forgotten about Harry, forgotten about all the things that came before. There was only this vastness, the swing of a giant pendulum—water receding then flooding back. And he was part of it. Part of the deep water, part of the waves. Part of the rocks and reefs along the shore.

Related Characters: Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, Uncle Nick, Mum
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 213
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Chapter 41 Quotes

He listened to Joe talk about all the places they would go, the tropical islands and clear warm water, the big bright lights of new cities. The free open space of ocean. And he knew that Joe was going to take him with him, now. Wherever he went. He leaned his head down against his brother’s shoulder. And he let himself cry.

Related Characters: Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Joe Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, Granddad
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 224-225
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Chapter 42 Quotes

Miles let the rip that ran with the bluff carry him. He enjoyed the ride, felt his hands slipping through the cool water, body floating free. And there was this feeling in him like when it had all just been for fun, the water.

Related Characters: Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, Uncle Nick, Mum
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 228
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Chapter 43 Quotes

And Miles loved that light.

It made the dark water sparkle, turned the white spray golden—made the ocean a giant mirror reflecting the sky. Even the leaves on the crack wattle shone in the light.

It made everything come to life.

Related Characters: Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Joe Curren, George Fuller, Mum, Jake
Related Symbols: Water, Light
Page Number: 233
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Out past the shallows, past the sandy-bottomed bays, comes the dark water—black and cold and roaring. Rolling out an invisible path, a new line for them to follow.

To somewhere warm.

To somewhere new.

Related Characters: Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Joe Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, George Fuller, Jake
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 238
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Water Symbol Timeline in Past the Shallows

The timeline below shows where the symbol Water appears in Past the Shallows. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
...ocean. Harry, the youngest of the three, reflects on the omnipresent, persistent nature of the water. He asks his brothers what he should look for on the beach that day and... (full context)
As he runs along the shoreline, Harry observes a cormorant bird gliding close to the water’s surface, noticing the peculiarity of seeing a solitary bird without its family. He resists the... (full context)
Chapter 2
...and sinister the current looks as it surges into the hidden, menacing rocks below the water’s surface. He muses that the large Bruny Hazards rocks may be former islands worn away... (full context)
Chapter 5
...boat while Dad, Martin, and Jeff dive for abalone. As he looks out at the water, Miles marvels at how sublime and ancient the surrounding landmarks are. He retrieves a catch... (full context)
...shucking knife. Jeff resurfaces as well, and Miles begins to worry because Dad has been underwater for a long time. Miles dreads the day that he, too, will have to venture... (full context)
Chapter 7
...The brothers arrive at the beach and Miles gleefully runs ahead to rush into the water and surf, with Joe cheering him on from shore. (full context)
Chapter 9
...get back to the wharf. He is interrupted when Martin spots Atlantic salmon in the water and they stop the boat to catch the fish. Dad and Jeff amass a large... (full context)
...and throws the fishing boat off balance, sending Miles flying into the railing and causing water to pour into the boat. Martin tries to yank Miles away from the shark as... (full context)
...and how it would have survived if Jeff had just let it go into the water. (full context)
Chapter 16
...boy’s back, sending Gary crashing down on top of him. They both fall into the water, and Gary’s forehead slams into Miles’s face and bloodies his nose. Gary’s father’s fishing rod... (full context)
Chapter 17
...boat and invites Harry to come along, but the young boy is afraid of the water and gets seasick easily. (full context)
...Harry is content to hold onto his own fishing rod and look out at the water while George hums songs. Amidst this peace, Harry understands for the first time why Joe... (full context)
Chapter 22
Miles watches from a cliff as Joe surfs the dangerous, rocky waters of Southport Bluff and remembers seeing Joe get pummeled by the waves here in the... (full context)
Chapter 28
...Miles remembers Uncle Nick telling him that he was safe and feeling nothing but the water rolling gently beneath them. Miles waved to Mum and she waved back as he and... (full context)
Chapter 32
...the storm hits. Few boats had gone out, but Dad made them stay on the water all day. Exhausted from the long day, Miles is lulled to sleep by the warmth... (full context)
Chapter 33
...suggests that they go see if George Fuller is back the next day, if the water is too rough for Miles and Dad to go out on the boat. Miles lectures... (full context)
Chapter 35
...Dad not to make him go on the boat because he is afraid of the water and prone to seasickness. Miles assures him it will be okay and gives him his... (full context)
...helps Harry into the dinghy and holds onto him as they ride through the rough water and icy cold winds from the incoming swell. (full context)
...little brother, telling him to focus on the stars to take his mind off the water. (full context)
Chapter 36
...his father drag Jeff onto the deck. Having been deprived of oxygen in the deep water, blood pours out of Jeff’s nose and ears and one of Dad’s eyes is full... (full context)
...pulls him down by his leg. The boat tips violently as a giant surge of water crashes over the sides and onto the deck. Miles is thrown into the railing and... (full context)
Chapter 37
Miles leaps into the ocean and the freezing cold water robs him of his breath. He finds Harry’s limp body and pulls them both up... (full context)
...any land. Miles tries his best to keep himself and Harry afloat, treading the freezing water as slowly as possible to conserve energy and stay awake. Harry, worried about sharks, tells... (full context)
The freezing water causes to Miles fall into a delirious, dreamlike state. He remembers falling into the river... (full context)
Chapter 38
...can see a rich, untouched landscape below full of forests, mountains, and valleys. He sees water that seems to go on through “the whole world,” flowing into rivers, lakes, and oceans... (full context)
Chapter 39
Miles enters into a state of total delirium as he floats alone in the water. He perceives himself to be suspended in an orange light that will soon dissipate into... (full context)
Chapter 40
Miles suddenly feels water spew from his mouth as he is lifted out of the ocean. He cannot open... (full context)
...Miles suddenly understands that Joe is talking about Harry—that his little brother drowned in the water before he could be saved with Miles. Thrown into shock, Miles begins screaming uncontrollably and... (full context)
Chapter 42
...coastline. Miles sees small waves starting to form around the reef and can feel the water within him. (full context)
...silhouette of his old friend Justin Roberts surfing amidst the bright light reflecting off the water. Miles surfs alongside him, remembering the countless summer days of his youth he spent at... (full context)
Chapter 43
A morning fog hovers around the trees and rolls out over the water around Bruny Island. Miles admires the winter light that sparkles and reflects off the surface... (full context)
...“run along this beach until the end of time.” Past the shallows, the dark, roaring water forges a new path for Miles and Joe as they embark on a new adventure. (full context)