Patron Saints of Nothing


Randy Ribay

Lola Character Analysis

Lola is the grandmother of Jay, Jun, Grace, Angel, Emily, and Chris, the mother of Jay’s dad, Tito Maning, Tito Danilo, and Tita Chato, and the wife of Jay’s grandfather, whom Jay calls Lola. She and Lolo live in a rural part of the Philippines far from Manila (which is where Tito Maning and his family live). At the end of the novel, she and Lolo help host a memorial for Jun in their backyard.

Lola Quotes in Patron Saints of Nothing

The Patron Saints of Nothing quotes below are all either spoken by Lola or refer to Lola. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
To Resurrect Quotes

In the car with Tito Danilo and Grace on the way back to Lolo and Lola's, I think about how there's a new grief in remembering Jun now, knowing what eventually happened, knowing that he was more than my idea of him in ways I do not like, knowing that there's probably so much more I'll never know.

I was determined to find the truth. And I did—at least a piece of it. But was it worth it? What do I even do now?

This didn't play out how I thought it would.

I expected the truth to illuminate, to resurrect.

Not to ruin.

Related Characters: Jay Reguero (speaker), Jun, Grace, Tito Danilo, Lolo, Lola
Page Number: 288
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Lola Quotes in Patron Saints of Nothing

The Patron Saints of Nothing quotes below are all either spoken by Lola or refer to Lola. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
To Resurrect Quotes

In the car with Tito Danilo and Grace on the way back to Lolo and Lola's, I think about how there's a new grief in remembering Jun now, knowing what eventually happened, knowing that he was more than my idea of him in ways I do not like, knowing that there's probably so much more I'll never know.

I was determined to find the truth. And I did—at least a piece of it. But was it worth it? What do I even do now?

This didn't play out how I thought it would.

I expected the truth to illuminate, to resurrect.

Not to ruin.

Related Characters: Jay Reguero (speaker), Jun, Grace, Tito Danilo, Lolo, Lola
Page Number: 288
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