Patron Saints of Nothing


Randy Ribay

Balikbayan box Term Analysis

The word balikbayan literally translates to “return to country” in Tagalog and refers to a Filipino individual who comes back to the Philippines after a period of at least a year abroad. A balikbayan box is a box that a balikbayan would bring back home to the Philippines with them. The objects in these boxes vary, and they tend to be things that the recipient would want or need or like, regardless of value—for instance, clothes, toys, or nonperishable foods. Balikbayan boxes also tend to include objects that can’t be purchased easily in the Philippines. In Patron Saints of Nothing, Jay’s dad packs balikbayan boxes for Jay to take to his family in the Philippines. At first, Jay’s Tito Maning prevents Jay from unpacking one of his balikbayan boxes (part of the tradition of the balikbayan box is distributing the items to the recipients). As Jay becomes more confident in his Filipino identity, though, he starts to take part in traditions like the distribution of the balikbayan box’s items.
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Balikbayan box Term Timeline in Patron Saints of Nothing

The timeline below shows where the term Balikbayan box appears in Patron Saints of Nothing. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Like a Fog
...Jay that the items are pasalubong (gifts for the family), which will be placed in balikbayan boxes (boxes you bring home with you). Jay will take the boxes to the Philippines and... (full context)
Jay’s parents bring him to the airport before dawn.  Jay’s dad checks the balikbayan boxes and loads them onto the conveyor belt. Other Filipino travelers are doing the same. Jay... (full context)
Every Single Surviving Word
...much darker than the family’s skin. After dinner, Tito Maning distributes the items in Jay’s balikbayan box even though Jay was supposed to do that. Jay returns to Jun’s room, feeling like... (full context)
Bravery As if It Were My Own was when Jay last saw it, filled with photos. Everyone circles around Jay’s second balikbayan box , and Tito Maning is about to open it when Jay grabs it first. He... (full context)