Piecing Me Together


Renée Watson

Maxine Character Analysis

Jade’s mentor in the Woman to Woman program. Maxine is a recent graduate from the local Portland State University and she attended St. Francis as a teen. Because of this, and because Maxine is also black, Mrs. Parker believes that Maxine and Jade will hit it off immediately. Despite these shared experiences, however, Jade doesn’t think very highly of Maxine at first. Maxine is flaky, stands Jade up on several occasions, and often takes phone calls from Jon, her ex-boyfriend, while she’s supposed to be spending time with Jade. When Maxine is focused on Jade, she often does things that Jade finds genuinely helpful and kind. For instance, she gives Jade art supplies and buys her books about black collagists, and she’s the primary adult in Jade’s life who supports her art practice. But for everything good that Maxine does, Jade notices that Maxine inevitably says or does something that makes Jade feel awful. Much of this has to do with Maxine’s affluent upbringing: her mother is a surgeon and her father is a real estate agent, so Maxine grew up in a big house in the rich part of town. She attended St. Francis because her parents could pay for her to go, and so she doesn’t have any conception of what it’s like to be poor or to live in Jade’s neighborhood. Maxine also makes rude assumptions about Mom, such as that Mom is an uncaring and uninvolved parent just because she works long hours. Things come to a head after Maxine invites Jade to join her family for dinner. Here, Jade meets Maxine’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Winters, as well as her siblings Mia and Nathan. Jade feels out of place in the family’s mansion and she’s crushed when Maxine says in front of Jade that she wants her mom to see that she’s doing something meaningful. Jade takes this to mean that Maxine is participating in Woman to Woman to make herself feel better, not to actually help Jade. However, once Jade speaks up for herself and asks Maxine to treat her more respectfully, Maxine takes Jade’s request to heart. She shows that with a little guidance, she is more than willing—and able—to provide help that makes Jade feel dignified and cared for.

Maxine Quotes in Piecing Me Together

The Piecing Me Together quotes below are all either spoken by Maxine or refer to Maxine. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 13 Quotes

“Oh, it’s a last-minute thing. Maxine called and asked if I wanted to do brunch with her to celebrate my birthday.”

Do brunch? You mean go to brunch?” Mom laughs. “How does one do brunch?” Mom pours milk into her mug, then opens a pack of sweetener and sprinkles it in. She stirs. “That woman has you talking like her already, huh?”

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Mom (speaker), Maxine
Page Number: 60
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Chapters 17 - 18 Quotes

“It makes me feel like I’m learning a secret code or something. I don’t know. It’s powerful.”

“Powerful? Really?”

“Yes, all language is. That’s what you used to tell me.”

Dad puts his fork down. Leans back in his chair. “Me? I told you that?”

“Yes, when I was little. When it was story time and I didn’t want to stop playing to go read and you would tell me I ought to take every chance I get to open a book because it was once illegal to teach a black person how to read,” I remind him.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Dad (speaker), Sam, Maxine, Mrs. Parker
Page Number: 74
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapters 20 - 21 Quotes

Listening to these mentors, I feel like I can prove the negative stereotypes about girls like me wrong. That I can and will do more, be more.

But when I leave? It happens again. The shattering.

And this makes me wonder if a black girl’s life is only about being stitched together and coming undone, being stitched together and coming undone.

I wonder if there’s ever a way for a girl like me to feel whole.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine, Sabrina
Page Number: 86
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 28 Quotes

Maxine is full of ideas. “There are lots of free things too. I mean, even taking a drive to Multnomah Falls or going to Bonneville Dam.”

“Yeah, well, my mom doesn’t have a car, so there goes that idea,” I say. “And if she did, I’m sure she’d need to be conservative on where to drive in order to keep gas in the car.”

Maxine shakes her head at me. “Always the pessimist,” she says, laughing.

Always the realist, I think. Always the poorest.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine (speaker), Mom
Related Symbols: Portland
Page Number: 112
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapters 31 - 32 Quotes

“Kira—please leave Jade alone. She is not like that. She’s smart. She’s on scholarship at St. Francis and has a four-point-oh GPA. This girl right here is going places. She’s not going to mess things up by betting caught up with some guy,” she says. “I’m going to see to it she doesn’t end up like one of those girls.”

I know when Maxine says those girls, she is talking about the girls who go to Northside.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine (speaker), Mom, Bailey, Kira
Page Number: 130
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapters 35 - 36 Quotes

“You hanging around all those uppity black women who done forgot where they came from. Maxine know she knows about fried fish. I don’t know one black person who hasn’t been to a fish fry at least once in their life. Where she from?”

Mom won’t stop talking. She goes on and on about Maxine and Sabrina and how they are a different type of black [...]

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Mom (speaker), Maxine, Sabrina
Page Number: 142
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 41 Quotes

Everyone is so excited about Nathan’s announcement that the family check-in stops, and all Mrs. Winters can do is make plans for the baby shower. No one asks Maxine if she has any news. I can tell Maxine is hurt by this. Because when Mia says, “We should paint a mural in the baby’s nursery. That would be so much fun, wouldn’t it, Maxine?” Maxine says, “Yeah, sure. That would be awesome,” but her voice is flat and without emotion.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine (speaker), Mia (speaker), Mrs. Winters, Nathan, Abby
Page Number: 163
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapters 42 - 43 Quotes

“But I don’t look up to Maxine,” I tell her. “She’s using me to feel better about herself. And her mother gave us all this food because she feels sorry for us. If that’s how you act when you have money, I’d rather stay poor.”

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine, Mom, Mrs. Winters
Page Number: 168
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 44 Quotes

“You need to talk to whoever is in charge. Have you said anything to anyone?”

I don’t answer.

“They can’t read your mind. I mean, I get what you’re saying—some of that stuff is a little corny, and a lot of it is offensive. But I don’t know; what’s the better option? Stay silent, leave the program, and they never have a chance to do better?”

Related Characters: Lee Lee (speaker), Jade Butler, Maxine, Sabrina
Page Number: 173
Explanation and Analysis:

“All right, all right. I’ll think about it,” I tell Lee Lee. I don’t know why I never considered it before. Here I am, so focused on learning to speak another language, and I barely use the word I already know.

I need to speak up for myself. For what I need, for what I want.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine, Lee Lee, Sabrina
Page Number: 174
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 45 Quotes

This conversation isn’t as intense as I thought it would be.

Maxine asks, “So what are some things Woman to Woman can do better?”

[...] “Well, I’d like to learn about real-life things—I mean, like you know, how to create a budget and balance a checkbook so I’ll know how much money I can spend and how much to put aside so the lights don’t get turned off,” I tell her.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine (speaker), Sabrina
Page Number: 177
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 58 Quotes

“When I went to St. Francis, most people assumed that because I was black, I must be on scholarship.”

“I’m on scholarship,” I remind her.

“I know. But you were awarded a scholarship because you are smart, not because you are black,” Maxine says. “I got tired of people assuming things about me without getting to know me. [...] Sometimes, in class, if something about race came up, I was looked on to give an answer as if I could speak on behalf of all black people,” Maxine says.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine (speaker), Kennedy/Glamour Girl, Josiah
Related Symbols: Portland
Page Number: 215
Explanation and Analysis:
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Maxine Quotes in Piecing Me Together

The Piecing Me Together quotes below are all either spoken by Maxine or refer to Maxine. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 13 Quotes

“Oh, it’s a last-minute thing. Maxine called and asked if I wanted to do brunch with her to celebrate my birthday.”

Do brunch? You mean go to brunch?” Mom laughs. “How does one do brunch?” Mom pours milk into her mug, then opens a pack of sweetener and sprinkles it in. She stirs. “That woman has you talking like her already, huh?”

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Mom (speaker), Maxine
Page Number: 60
Explanation and Analysis:
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Chapters 17 - 18 Quotes

“It makes me feel like I’m learning a secret code or something. I don’t know. It’s powerful.”

“Powerful? Really?”

“Yes, all language is. That’s what you used to tell me.”

Dad puts his fork down. Leans back in his chair. “Me? I told you that?”

“Yes, when I was little. When it was story time and I didn’t want to stop playing to go read and you would tell me I ought to take every chance I get to open a book because it was once illegal to teach a black person how to read,” I remind him.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Dad (speaker), Sam, Maxine, Mrs. Parker
Page Number: 74
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapters 20 - 21 Quotes

Listening to these mentors, I feel like I can prove the negative stereotypes about girls like me wrong. That I can and will do more, be more.

But when I leave? It happens again. The shattering.

And this makes me wonder if a black girl’s life is only about being stitched together and coming undone, being stitched together and coming undone.

I wonder if there’s ever a way for a girl like me to feel whole.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine, Sabrina
Page Number: 86
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 28 Quotes

Maxine is full of ideas. “There are lots of free things too. I mean, even taking a drive to Multnomah Falls or going to Bonneville Dam.”

“Yeah, well, my mom doesn’t have a car, so there goes that idea,” I say. “And if she did, I’m sure she’d need to be conservative on where to drive in order to keep gas in the car.”

Maxine shakes her head at me. “Always the pessimist,” she says, laughing.

Always the realist, I think. Always the poorest.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine (speaker), Mom
Related Symbols: Portland
Page Number: 112
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapters 31 - 32 Quotes

“Kira—please leave Jade alone. She is not like that. She’s smart. She’s on scholarship at St. Francis and has a four-point-oh GPA. This girl right here is going places. She’s not going to mess things up by betting caught up with some guy,” she says. “I’m going to see to it she doesn’t end up like one of those girls.”

I know when Maxine says those girls, she is talking about the girls who go to Northside.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine (speaker), Mom, Bailey, Kira
Page Number: 130
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapters 35 - 36 Quotes

“You hanging around all those uppity black women who done forgot where they came from. Maxine know she knows about fried fish. I don’t know one black person who hasn’t been to a fish fry at least once in their life. Where she from?”

Mom won’t stop talking. She goes on and on about Maxine and Sabrina and how they are a different type of black [...]

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Mom (speaker), Maxine, Sabrina
Page Number: 142
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 41 Quotes

Everyone is so excited about Nathan’s announcement that the family check-in stops, and all Mrs. Winters can do is make plans for the baby shower. No one asks Maxine if she has any news. I can tell Maxine is hurt by this. Because when Mia says, “We should paint a mural in the baby’s nursery. That would be so much fun, wouldn’t it, Maxine?” Maxine says, “Yeah, sure. That would be awesome,” but her voice is flat and without emotion.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine (speaker), Mia (speaker), Mrs. Winters, Nathan, Abby
Page Number: 163
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapters 42 - 43 Quotes

“But I don’t look up to Maxine,” I tell her. “She’s using me to feel better about herself. And her mother gave us all this food because she feels sorry for us. If that’s how you act when you have money, I’d rather stay poor.”

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine, Mom, Mrs. Winters
Page Number: 168
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 44 Quotes

“You need to talk to whoever is in charge. Have you said anything to anyone?”

I don’t answer.

“They can’t read your mind. I mean, I get what you’re saying—some of that stuff is a little corny, and a lot of it is offensive. But I don’t know; what’s the better option? Stay silent, leave the program, and they never have a chance to do better?”

Related Characters: Lee Lee (speaker), Jade Butler, Maxine, Sabrina
Page Number: 173
Explanation and Analysis:

“All right, all right. I’ll think about it,” I tell Lee Lee. I don’t know why I never considered it before. Here I am, so focused on learning to speak another language, and I barely use the word I already know.

I need to speak up for myself. For what I need, for what I want.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine, Lee Lee, Sabrina
Page Number: 174
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 45 Quotes

This conversation isn’t as intense as I thought it would be.

Maxine asks, “So what are some things Woman to Woman can do better?”

[...] “Well, I’d like to learn about real-life things—I mean, like you know, how to create a budget and balance a checkbook so I’ll know how much money I can spend and how much to put aside so the lights don’t get turned off,” I tell her.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine (speaker), Sabrina
Page Number: 177
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 58 Quotes

“When I went to St. Francis, most people assumed that because I was black, I must be on scholarship.”

“I’m on scholarship,” I remind her.

“I know. But you were awarded a scholarship because you are smart, not because you are black,” Maxine says. “I got tired of people assuming things about me without getting to know me. [...] Sometimes, in class, if something about race came up, I was looked on to give an answer as if I could speak on behalf of all black people,” Maxine says.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine (speaker), Kennedy/Glamour Girl, Josiah
Related Symbols: Portland
Page Number: 215
Explanation and Analysis: