Piecing Me Together


Renée Watson

Mr. Flores Character Analysis

Jade and Sam’s Spanish teacher at St. Francis. Jade likes and looks up to Mr. Flores, as he seems kind and Spanish is Jade’s favorite subject. However, after Mr. Flores nominates Sam for the study abroad program and not Jade, Jade’s views on Mr. Flores begin to change. Though Mr. Flores shows himself to be interested in issues of race and social justice—he keeps up with developments in Natasha Ramsey’s case—he also doesn’t offer a satisfying answer when Jade works up the courage to ask why he didn’t nominate her. When Mr. Flores says he didn’t nominate Jade out of fairness (citing all the other help and opportunities Jade gets), Jade gently calls him out for seeing her as a black girl in need of help, not as a star student who deserves to be honored for her academic achievements. Unlike others at St. Francis, Mr. Flores takes action to make amends for overlooking Jade. He nominates her preemptively for the study abroad trip next year and he apologizes, something Jade has never experienced from a teacher before.
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Mr. Flores Character Timeline in Piecing Me Together

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Flores appears in Piecing Me Together. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4
The girl from the bus is in Mr. Flores ’s Spanish class too. The class divides up into pairs and Jade ends up with... (full context)
Chapter 11
...directions in Spanish to the correct bus stop and then she thinks of how proud Mr. Flores would be. He’s taught Jade and the other students lots of Spanish phrases to help... (full context)
Chapter 40
Sam says that Mr. Flores nominated her, and Jade purposefully looks away so that Sam doesn’t have to see how... (full context)
Chapters 42 - 43
...figure out a way to make this program work. In Spanish class the next week, Mr. Flores teaches phrases pertaining to going to doctor, like “I don’t feel well” and “I have... (full context)
Chapter 48
...how she should use her voice, but she can’t. Before going home, Jade stops in Mr. Flores ’s classroom to get her homework. He asks if she’s okay, talks her through the... (full context)
Chapter 53
Jade enters Mr. Flores ’s classroom at lunch and she finds him watching a video on his laptop. She... (full context)
...why people only see her as needy and not as someone with something to give. Mr. Flores doesn’t answer and he walks Jade to the door, insisting that it’s his job to... (full context)
Chapter 70
Mr. Flores divides the class up into pairs and puts Sam and Jade together. He gives them... (full context)
Chapter 71
At the end of class, Mr. Flores asks Jade to stay behind. He says that he’s proud of what she’s doing for... (full context)
Chapters 72 - 73
Jade lists the reasons she knows Sam is her friend: they ride the bus together, Mr. Flores has forbidden them from partnering with each other in Spanish class, they laugh, they don’t... (full context)
Chapters 74 - 75
...gallery is full of Jade’s family, friends, and community, including everyone from Woman to Woman. Mr. Flores and Hannah agree to read poems, as do Maxine, Gina, Bailey, and Kira. Jade doesn’t... (full context)