and ’s Spanish teacher at St. Francis. Jade likes and looks up to Mr. Flores, as he seems kind and Spanish is Jade’s favorite subject. However, after Mr. Flores nominates Sam for the study abroad program and not Jade, Jade’s views on Mr. Flores begin to change. Though Mr. Flores shows himself to be interested in issues of race and social justice—he keeps up with developments in ’s case—he also doesn’t offer a satisfying answer when Jade works up the courage to ask why he didn’t nominate her. When Mr. Flores says he didn’t nominate Jade out of fairness (citing all the other help and opportunities Jade gets), Jade gently calls him out for seeing her as a black girl in need of help, not as a star student who deserves to be honored for her academic achievements. Unlike others at St. Francis, Mr. Flores takes action to make amends for overlooking Jade. He nominates her preemptively for the study abroad trip next year and he apologizes, something Jade has never experienced from a teacher before.