Play It As It Lays


Joan Didion

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Maria Wyeth Character Analysis

Maria Wyeth is a 31-year-old actress who is at a psychiatric facility to recover from a nervous breakdown. The novel chronicles what led up to her hospitalization, namely the events surrounding her separation from her movie director husband, Carter Lang. Maria is nihilistic, in part because of her traumatic past: her parents, Francine and Harry, both died relatively young; the small desert hometown she loved has been demolished; and she had an abusive relationship with Ivan Costello as a young woman. As a result, she avoids confronting the past, insisting that it “leads nowhere.” She’s also the mother to a young daughter, Kate, who’s seriously ill and can’t reciprocate Maria’s love in the way she wants. After Maria and Carter separate, her behavior grows increasingly erratic, as she takes aimless drives into the desert and self-medicates with drugs, alcohol, and casual sex. She passively lets things happen to her, believing that life as a “game” in which people unconsciously uphold constructed beliefs and social norms while remaining ignorant to the reality that their lives are meaningless. Although Carter claims he wants to reconcile during their separation period, he emotionally abuses her and continues to pursue other women, including Maria’s friend Helene. He also coerces Maria into having an abortion when he learns she’s pregnant (likely by her former lover Les Goodwin), an experience that utterly traumatizes Maria and gives her chronic nightmares. Around this time, Maria also grows increasingly disillusioned with Hollywood and its superficiality, a sentiment that her friend BZ shares. Maria’s most egregious moment of passivity occurs when she fails to intervene in BZ’s suicidal overdose. She also refuses to kill herself alongside him, and while her decision to live might seem like a new lease on life, it more likely illustrates her cynical realization that death is just as meaningless as life. By the time she is hospitalized, though, Maria seems to be ready to reclaim her past and accept the possibility that life could offer meaning. She wants to live with Kate in a house by the sea and “do some canning,” which suggests a longing to return the simpler life she experienced growing up in Nevada.

Maria Wyeth Quotes in Play It As It Lays

The Play It As It Lays quotes below are all either spoken by Maria Wyeth or refer to Maria Wyeth. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Meaninglessness  Theme Icon
Maria Quotes

What makes Iago evil? some people ask. I never ask.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ, Kate Lang , Francine Wyeth
Page Number: 3
Explanation and Analysis:

I might as well lay it on the line, I have trouble with as it was. I mean it leads nowhere.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), Kate Lang , Benny Austin, Francine Wyeth, Harry Wyeth
Page Number: 7
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 4 Quotes

“He said, ‘What I like about your wife, Carter, is she’s not a cunt.’”

Maria said nothing.

“That’s very funny, Maria, Kulik saying that to Carter, you lost your sense of humor?”

“I’ve already heard it.”

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ (speaker), Carter Lang, Larry Kulik
Page Number: 27
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 6 Quotes

On the way back into the city the traffic was heavy and the hot wind blew sand through the windows and the radio got on her nerves and after that Maria did not go back to the freeway except as a way of getting somewhere.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), Carter Lang
Related Symbols: The Desert
Page Number: 32-33
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 8 Quotes

“You haven’t asked me how it went after we left Anita’s,” BZ said.

“How did it go,” Maria said without interest.

“Everybody got what he came for.”

“Don’t you ever get tired of doing favors for people?”

There was a long silence. “You don’t know how tired,” BZ said.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ (speaker), Larry Kulik, Anita Garson
Page Number: 39
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 10 Quotes

The way he looked was the problem. He looked exactly the same. He looked untouched, and she did not.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth, BZ, Helene, The Masseur
Page Number: 44-45
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 14 Quotes

“The doctor will want to know how many weeks.”

“How many weeks what?”

There was a silence. “How advanced is the problem, Maria,” the voice said finally.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), The Man in White (speaker)
Page Number: 56
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 19 Quotes

She could remember it all but none of it seemed to come to anything. She had a sense the dream had ended and she had slept on.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth, BZ, Carter Lang, Les Goodwin, Ivan Costello
Page Number: 69
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 24 Quotes

Maria turned off the ignition and looked at the man in the white duck pants with an intense and grateful interest. In the past few minutes he had significantly altered her perception of reality: she saw now that she was not a woman on her way to have an abortion. She was a woman parking a Corvette outside a tract house while a man in white pants talked about buying a Camaro. There was no more to it than that.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), The Man in White
Page Number: 79
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 26 Quotes

“I am just very very very tired of listening to you all.”

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ, Carter Lang, Helene, Les Goodwin, Susannah Wood
Page Number: 85
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 27 Quotes

That night as the plane taxied out onto the runway at McCarran Maria had kept her face pressed against the window for as long as she could see them, her mother and father and Benny Austin, waving at the wrong window.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), Benny Austin, Francine Wyeth, Harry Wyeth
Page Number: 88
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 30 Quotes

“Maria, I empathize. What you and Carter are going through, it tears my heart out. Believe me, I’ve been through it. Which is why I know that work is the best medicine for things wrong in the private-life department. And I don’t want to sound like an agent, but ten percent of nothing doesn’t pay the bar bill.” He laughed, and then looked at her. “A joke, Maria. Just a joke.”

Related Characters: Freddy Chaikin (speaker), Maria Wyeth, Carter Lang
Page Number: 91
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 34 Quotes

In the whole world there was not so much sedation as there was instantaneous peril.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth, BZ, Carter Lang, Helene, Kate Lang
Related Symbols: Snakes
Page Number: 100
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 36 Quotes

But the next morning when the shower seemed slow to drain she threw up in the toilet, and after she had stopped trembling packed the few things she had brought to Fountain Avenue and, in the driving rain, drove back to the house in Beverly Hills. There would be plumbing anywhere she went.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth
Page Number: 104
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 37 Quotes

“You look like hell, Maria this isn’t any excuse for you to fall apart, I mean a divorce. I’ve done it twice.”

Related Characters: Helene (speaker), Maria Wyeth, BZ, Carter Lang
Page Number: 107
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 46 Quotes

She had watched them in supermarkets and she knew the signs. At seven o’clock on a Saturday evening they would be standing in the checkout line reading the horoscope in Harper’s Bazaar and in their carts would be a single lamb chop and maybe two cans of cat food and the Sunday morning paper, the early edition with the comics wrapped outside. They would be very pretty some of the time, their skirts the right length and their sunglasses the right tint and maybe only a little vulnerable tightness around the mouth, but there they were, one lamp chop and some cat food and the morning paper. To avoid giving off the signs, Maria shopped always for a household, gallons of grapefruit juice, quarts of green chile salsa, dried lentils and alphabet noodles, rigatoni and canned yams, twenty-pound boxes of laundry detergent. She knew all the indices to the idle lonely, never bought a small tube of toothpaste, never dropped a magazine in her shopping cart. The house in Beverly Hills overflowed with sugar, corn-muffin mix, frozen roasts and Spanish onions. Maria ate cottage cheese.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth
Page Number: 122-123
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 56 Quotes

“Some people resist,” he said. “Some people don’t want to know.”

Related Characters: The Hypnotist (speaker), Maria Wyeth, Carter Lang, Helene
Page Number: 143
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 67 Quotes

“Something bad is going to happen to me,” she said.

“Something bad is going to happen to all of us.”

She could hear a typewriter in the background. “I mean it. Take me somewhere.”

“You got a map of Peru?”

She said nothing.

“That’s funny, Maria. That’s a line from Dark Passage.”

“I know it.”

“I had a fight with Felicia at lunch, I’ve got to have a rewrite by tomorrow morning, I tell you something funny and you don’t laugh.”

“When I want to hear something funny I’ll call you up again.”

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), Les Goodwin (speaker), Carter Lang, Ivan Costello, Felicia Goodwin
Page Number: 182
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 71 Quotes

“I don’t like any of you,” she said. “You are all making me sick.”

Susannah Wood laughed.

“That’s not funny, Maria,” Helene said.

“I mean sick. Physically sick.”

Helene picked up a jar from the clutter on Susannah Wood’s dressing table and began smoothing cream onto Maria’s shoulders. “If it’s not funny don’t say it, Maria.”

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), Helene (speaker), Carter Lang, Susannah Wood, Johnny Waters/The Actor
Page Number: 190-191
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 72 Quotes

“It does make a difference to me.”

“No,” BZ said. “It doesn’t.”

Maria stared out the window into the dry wash behind the motel.

“You know it doesn’t. If you thought things like that mattered you’d be gone already. You’re not going anywhere.”

“Why don’t you get me a drink,” Maria said finally.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ (speaker), Carter Lang, Helene
Page Number: 195
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 74 Quotes

Always when I play back. My father’s voice it is with a professional rasp, it goes as it lays, don’t do it the hard way. My father advised me that life itself was a crap game.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ, Harry Wyeth
Page Number: 200
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 76 Quotes

If Carter and Helene want to think it happened because I was insane, I say let them. They have to lay it off on someone. Carter and Helene still believe in cause-effect. Carter and Helene also believe that people are either sane or insane.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ, Carter Lang, Helene
Page Number: 203
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 82 Quotes

Carter and Helene still ask questions. I used to ask questions, and I got the answer: nothing. The answer is “nothing.” Now that I have the answer, my plans for the future are these: (1) get Kate, (2) live with Kate alone, (3) do some canning. Damson plums, apricot preserves. Sweet India relish and pickled peaches. Apple chutney. Summer squash succotash. There might even be a ready market for such canning: you will note that after everything I remain Harry and Francine Wyeth’s daughter and Benny Austin’s godchild. For all I know they knew the answer too, and pretended they didn’t. You call it as you see it, and stay in the action. BZ thought otherwise. If Carter and Helene aren’t careful they’ll get the answer too.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ, Carter Lang, Helene, Benny Austin, Francine Wyeth, Harry Wyeth
Page Number: 210
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 83 Quotes

She took his hand and held it. “Why are you here.”

“Because you and I, we know something. Because we’ve been out there where nothing is. Because I wanted—you know why.”

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ (speaker)
Related Symbols: The Desert
Page Number: 212
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 84 Quotes

I know what “nothing” means, and I keep on playing.

Why, BZ would say.

Why not, I say.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ (speaker), Harry Wyeth
Page Number: 214
Explanation and Analysis:
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Maria Wyeth Quotes in Play It As It Lays

The Play It As It Lays quotes below are all either spoken by Maria Wyeth or refer to Maria Wyeth. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Meaninglessness  Theme Icon
Maria Quotes

What makes Iago evil? some people ask. I never ask.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ, Kate Lang , Francine Wyeth
Page Number: 3
Explanation and Analysis:

I might as well lay it on the line, I have trouble with as it was. I mean it leads nowhere.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), Kate Lang , Benny Austin, Francine Wyeth, Harry Wyeth
Page Number: 7
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 4 Quotes

“He said, ‘What I like about your wife, Carter, is she’s not a cunt.’”

Maria said nothing.

“That’s very funny, Maria, Kulik saying that to Carter, you lost your sense of humor?”

“I’ve already heard it.”

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ (speaker), Carter Lang, Larry Kulik
Page Number: 27
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 6 Quotes

On the way back into the city the traffic was heavy and the hot wind blew sand through the windows and the radio got on her nerves and after that Maria did not go back to the freeway except as a way of getting somewhere.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), Carter Lang
Related Symbols: The Desert
Page Number: 32-33
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 8 Quotes

“You haven’t asked me how it went after we left Anita’s,” BZ said.

“How did it go,” Maria said without interest.

“Everybody got what he came for.”

“Don’t you ever get tired of doing favors for people?”

There was a long silence. “You don’t know how tired,” BZ said.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ (speaker), Larry Kulik, Anita Garson
Page Number: 39
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 10 Quotes

The way he looked was the problem. He looked exactly the same. He looked untouched, and she did not.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth, BZ, Helene, The Masseur
Page Number: 44-45
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 14 Quotes

“The doctor will want to know how many weeks.”

“How many weeks what?”

There was a silence. “How advanced is the problem, Maria,” the voice said finally.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), The Man in White (speaker)
Page Number: 56
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 19 Quotes

She could remember it all but none of it seemed to come to anything. She had a sense the dream had ended and she had slept on.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth, BZ, Carter Lang, Les Goodwin, Ivan Costello
Page Number: 69
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 24 Quotes

Maria turned off the ignition and looked at the man in the white duck pants with an intense and grateful interest. In the past few minutes he had significantly altered her perception of reality: she saw now that she was not a woman on her way to have an abortion. She was a woman parking a Corvette outside a tract house while a man in white pants talked about buying a Camaro. There was no more to it than that.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), The Man in White
Page Number: 79
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 26 Quotes

“I am just very very very tired of listening to you all.”

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ, Carter Lang, Helene, Les Goodwin, Susannah Wood
Page Number: 85
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 27 Quotes

That night as the plane taxied out onto the runway at McCarran Maria had kept her face pressed against the window for as long as she could see them, her mother and father and Benny Austin, waving at the wrong window.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), Benny Austin, Francine Wyeth, Harry Wyeth
Page Number: 88
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 30 Quotes

“Maria, I empathize. What you and Carter are going through, it tears my heart out. Believe me, I’ve been through it. Which is why I know that work is the best medicine for things wrong in the private-life department. And I don’t want to sound like an agent, but ten percent of nothing doesn’t pay the bar bill.” He laughed, and then looked at her. “A joke, Maria. Just a joke.”

Related Characters: Freddy Chaikin (speaker), Maria Wyeth, Carter Lang
Page Number: 91
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 34 Quotes

In the whole world there was not so much sedation as there was instantaneous peril.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth, BZ, Carter Lang, Helene, Kate Lang
Related Symbols: Snakes
Page Number: 100
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 36 Quotes

But the next morning when the shower seemed slow to drain she threw up in the toilet, and after she had stopped trembling packed the few things she had brought to Fountain Avenue and, in the driving rain, drove back to the house in Beverly Hills. There would be plumbing anywhere she went.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth
Page Number: 104
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 37 Quotes

“You look like hell, Maria this isn’t any excuse for you to fall apart, I mean a divorce. I’ve done it twice.”

Related Characters: Helene (speaker), Maria Wyeth, BZ, Carter Lang
Page Number: 107
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 46 Quotes

She had watched them in supermarkets and she knew the signs. At seven o’clock on a Saturday evening they would be standing in the checkout line reading the horoscope in Harper’s Bazaar and in their carts would be a single lamb chop and maybe two cans of cat food and the Sunday morning paper, the early edition with the comics wrapped outside. They would be very pretty some of the time, their skirts the right length and their sunglasses the right tint and maybe only a little vulnerable tightness around the mouth, but there they were, one lamp chop and some cat food and the morning paper. To avoid giving off the signs, Maria shopped always for a household, gallons of grapefruit juice, quarts of green chile salsa, dried lentils and alphabet noodles, rigatoni and canned yams, twenty-pound boxes of laundry detergent. She knew all the indices to the idle lonely, never bought a small tube of toothpaste, never dropped a magazine in her shopping cart. The house in Beverly Hills overflowed with sugar, corn-muffin mix, frozen roasts and Spanish onions. Maria ate cottage cheese.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth
Page Number: 122-123
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 56 Quotes

“Some people resist,” he said. “Some people don’t want to know.”

Related Characters: The Hypnotist (speaker), Maria Wyeth, Carter Lang, Helene
Page Number: 143
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 67 Quotes

“Something bad is going to happen to me,” she said.

“Something bad is going to happen to all of us.”

She could hear a typewriter in the background. “I mean it. Take me somewhere.”

“You got a map of Peru?”

She said nothing.

“That’s funny, Maria. That’s a line from Dark Passage.”

“I know it.”

“I had a fight with Felicia at lunch, I’ve got to have a rewrite by tomorrow morning, I tell you something funny and you don’t laugh.”

“When I want to hear something funny I’ll call you up again.”

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), Les Goodwin (speaker), Carter Lang, Ivan Costello, Felicia Goodwin
Page Number: 182
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 71 Quotes

“I don’t like any of you,” she said. “You are all making me sick.”

Susannah Wood laughed.

“That’s not funny, Maria,” Helene said.

“I mean sick. Physically sick.”

Helene picked up a jar from the clutter on Susannah Wood’s dressing table and began smoothing cream onto Maria’s shoulders. “If it’s not funny don’t say it, Maria.”

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), Helene (speaker), Carter Lang, Susannah Wood, Johnny Waters/The Actor
Page Number: 190-191
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 72 Quotes

“It does make a difference to me.”

“No,” BZ said. “It doesn’t.”

Maria stared out the window into the dry wash behind the motel.

“You know it doesn’t. If you thought things like that mattered you’d be gone already. You’re not going anywhere.”

“Why don’t you get me a drink,” Maria said finally.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ (speaker), Carter Lang, Helene
Page Number: 195
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 74 Quotes

Always when I play back. My father’s voice it is with a professional rasp, it goes as it lays, don’t do it the hard way. My father advised me that life itself was a crap game.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ, Harry Wyeth
Page Number: 200
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 76 Quotes

If Carter and Helene want to think it happened because I was insane, I say let them. They have to lay it off on someone. Carter and Helene still believe in cause-effect. Carter and Helene also believe that people are either sane or insane.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ, Carter Lang, Helene
Page Number: 203
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 82 Quotes

Carter and Helene still ask questions. I used to ask questions, and I got the answer: nothing. The answer is “nothing.” Now that I have the answer, my plans for the future are these: (1) get Kate, (2) live with Kate alone, (3) do some canning. Damson plums, apricot preserves. Sweet India relish and pickled peaches. Apple chutney. Summer squash succotash. There might even be a ready market for such canning: you will note that after everything I remain Harry and Francine Wyeth’s daughter and Benny Austin’s godchild. For all I know they knew the answer too, and pretended they didn’t. You call it as you see it, and stay in the action. BZ thought otherwise. If Carter and Helene aren’t careful they’ll get the answer too.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ, Carter Lang, Helene, Benny Austin, Francine Wyeth, Harry Wyeth
Page Number: 210
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 83 Quotes

She took his hand and held it. “Why are you here.”

“Because you and I, we know something. Because we’ve been out there where nothing is. Because I wanted—you know why.”

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ (speaker)
Related Symbols: The Desert
Page Number: 212
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 84 Quotes

I know what “nothing” means, and I keep on playing.

Why, BZ would say.

Why not, I say.

Related Characters: Maria Wyeth (speaker), BZ (speaker), Harry Wyeth
Page Number: 214
Explanation and Analysis: