Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on George Orwell's Politics and the English Language. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
Politics and the English Language: Introduction
Politics and the English Language: Plot Summary
Politics and the English Language: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Politics and the English Language: Themes
Politics and the English Language: Quotes
Politics and the English Language: Characters
Politics and the English Language: Symbols
Politics and the English Language: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of George Orwell

Historical Context of Politics and the English Language
Other Books Related to Politics and the English Language
- Full Title: “Politics and the English Language”
- When Written: 1945
- Where Written: London, England
- When Published: 1946
- Literary Period: Modernism
- Genre: Essay, nonfiction
Extra Credit for Politics and the English Language
Rejection. Orwell originally wrote “Politics and the English Language” originally intended for publication in Contact magazine. After Contact’s editor, George Weidenfeld, rejected the essay, Weidenfeld and Orwell’s friendship suffered.
Person of Interest. Britain’s spy agency, MI5, kept an active file on Orwell from 1929 until his death. Orwell’s bohemian clothing, supposed communist sympathies, and writings for leftist publications were all cited in the file, which was made public in 2007. In the end, the agency declared Blair’s communism unorthodox and non-threatening.