Prince Caspian


C. S. Lewis

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Bulgy Bears Character Analysis

The three Bulgy Bears are talking beasts and are friends with Trufflehunter, Trumpkin, and Nikabrik. They join Prince Caspian’s cause. When Peter fights in single combat with Miraz, the eldest Bulgy Bear reminds the High King of the bears’ hereditary and traditional right to supply a marshal for such contests.

Bulgy Bears Quotes in Prince Caspian

The Prince Caspian quotes below are all either spoken by Bulgy Bears or refer to Bulgy Bears. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Good vs. Evil Theme Icon
Chapter 13: The High King in Command Quotes

“I’m a bear, I am.”

“To be sure, so you are, and a good bear too, I don’t doubt,” said Peter.

“Yes,” said the Bear. “But it was always a right of the bears to supply one marshal of the lists.”

“Don’t let him,” whispered Trumpkin to Peter. “He’s a good creature, but he’ll shame us all. He’ll go to sleep and he will suck his paws. In front of the enemy too.”

“I can’t help that,” said Peter. “Because he’s quite right. The Bears had that privilege. I can’t imagine how it has been remembered all these years, when so many other things have been forgotten.”

“Please, your Majesty,” said the Bear.

“It is your right,” said Peter. “And you shall be one of the marshals. But you must remember not to suck your paws.”

“Of course not,” said the Bear in a very shocked voice.

Related Characters: Peter (speaker), Trumpkin/the Dwarf/D.L.F. (speaker), Bulgy Bears (speaker), Aslan, Nikabrik, Miraz
Page Number: 197-198
Explanation and Analysis:
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Bulgy Bears Quotes in Prince Caspian

The Prince Caspian quotes below are all either spoken by Bulgy Bears or refer to Bulgy Bears. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Good vs. Evil Theme Icon
Chapter 13: The High King in Command Quotes

“I’m a bear, I am.”

“To be sure, so you are, and a good bear too, I don’t doubt,” said Peter.

“Yes,” said the Bear. “But it was always a right of the bears to supply one marshal of the lists.”

“Don’t let him,” whispered Trumpkin to Peter. “He’s a good creature, but he’ll shame us all. He’ll go to sleep and he will suck his paws. In front of the enemy too.”

“I can’t help that,” said Peter. “Because he’s quite right. The Bears had that privilege. I can’t imagine how it has been remembered all these years, when so many other things have been forgotten.”

“Please, your Majesty,” said the Bear.

“It is your right,” said Peter. “And you shall be one of the marshals. But you must remember not to suck your paws.”

“Of course not,” said the Bear in a very shocked voice.

Related Characters: Peter (speaker), Trumpkin/the Dwarf/D.L.F. (speaker), Bulgy Bears (speaker), Aslan, Nikabrik, Miraz
Page Number: 197-198
Explanation and Analysis: