Prince Caspian


C. S. Lewis

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Prince Caspian Characters


Prince Caspian is the rightful heir to the throne of Narnia. He is a human being, descended from Telmarines who invaded Narnia generations ago. He lives with his uncle and aunt, King Miraz and Queen… read analysis of Caspian


Peter is the eldest of the four siblings, including Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, who once ruled as kings and queens of Narnia. When Prince Caspian blows the magic horn, they are… read analysis of Peter


Lucy is Peter, Edmund, and Susan’s younger sister. When Prince Caspian blows the magic horn, they are pulled back into Narnia to join the Old Narnians’ fight against the oppressive Telmarines… read analysis of Lucy


Edmund is Peter, Susan, and Lucy’s brother. With them he once stumbled into Narnia and (after a while) joined them in ruling the country. Like his brother Peter, he’s practical, rugged, and… read analysis of Edmund


Susan is Peter, Edmund, and Lucy’s sister. With them she once stumbled into Narnia through a wardrobe and ruled for years as one of the country’s queens. She is good at swimming… read analysis of Susan
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Aslan is a magical lion associated with divine power in Narnia. He is the one who confirms and counsels the human boys and girls who sit on the throne, first Peter, Susan, Edmundread analysis of Aslan

Trumpkin/the Dwarf/D.L.F.

Trumpkin is a redheaded Dwarf and is Trufflehunter and Nikabrik’s friend Along with these friends, he rescues and shelters Prince Caspian. He subsequently becomes one of Caspian’s trusted advisors during the war. Trumpkin… read analysis of Trumpkin/the Dwarf/D.L.F.


Nikabrik is a Dwarf and Trufflehunter and Trumpkin’s friend He belongs to the Black Dwarves, identified as such because of their black hair and beards. Of the trio, he is the least friendly towards… read analysis of Nikabrik


Trufflehunter is a talking badger and a friend to Nikabrik and Trumpkin. With them, he rescues Prince Caspian, tending to the boy’s injuries after he falls from his horse in a storm. Trufflehunter… read analysis of Trufflehunter

Doctor Cornelius

Doctor Cornelius is the tutor King Miraz hires to replace Prince Caspian’s beloved Nurse. Cornelius is mixed-race, with Telmarine (human) and Dwarf ancestors. This gives him a connection to and an interest in… read analysis of Doctor Cornelius


Miraz, the novel’s antagonist, is the King of Narnia and the uncle to its rightful heir, Prince Caspian. He murdered his own brother (Caspian’s father) and became regent during Caspian’s infancy; after Caspian’s mother… read analysis of Miraz


Reepicheep is a talking mouse who’s friends with Trufflehunter, Trumpkin, and Nikabrik. He’s the leader of a band that joins the Old Narnian cause in support of Prince Caspian. Only a… read analysis of Reepicheep


Glozelle and his friend Sopespian are Telmarine lords. They supported Miraz when he murdered his brother, killed Telmarine nobles who weren’t loyal to him, and claimed the Narnian throne. Sopespian and Glozelle betray Miraz in… read analysis of Glozelle


Sopespian and his friend Glozelle are Telmarine lords. They supported Miraz when he murdered his brother, killed Telmarine nobles who weren’t loyal to him, and claimed the Narnian throne. Sopespian and Glozelle betray Miraz in… read analysis of Sopespian


Glenstorm the centaur is a friend of Trufflehunter, Trumpkin, and Nikabrik. A natural astronomer and prophet, he understands immediately that Prince Caspian is destined to overthrow his wicked uncle, King Mirazread analysis of Glenstorm


Bacchus is the Greek god of winemaking, orchards, fruit, and fertility, among other things. In Prince Caspian, he represents a wild, almost dangerous generative force which is safest when exercised under Aslan’s watchful… read analysis of Bacchus


Pattertwig is a talking squirrel and is friends with Trufflehunter, Trumpkin, and Nikabrik. He carries their message to the talking beasts and other magical creatures of Narnia to introduce the Old Narnians… read analysis of Pattertwig

Bulgy Bears

The three Bulgy Bears are talking beasts and are friends with Trufflehunter, Trumpkin, and Nikabrik. They join Prince Caspian’s cause. When Peter fights in single combat with Miraz, the eldest… read analysis of Bulgy Bears
Minor Characters
Wimbleweather is a giant who joins the Old Narnian side in support of Prince Caspian’s claim on the throne. A gentle, conscientious person, Wimbleweather is nevertheless not very clever—at one point, his premature entry into battle ruins one of Caspian’s important battle plans.
In Greek mythology, Silenus is Bacchus’s tutor. Sometimes myths portray him as satyr (a male nature symbol that represents fertility and sometimes has animalistic features) and he often rides a donkey. In Prince Caspian he rides with Bacchus’s supporters on the Old Narnia side.
Prince Caspian’s beloved Nurse is of mixed Telmarine and Dwarf blood. She tells him stores of the Old Days until Miraz finds out and banishes her from the castle. Aslan later revives her from an unspecified illness and reunites her with Caspian.
Gwendolen is a student in Miss Prizzle’s class at a girls’ school in Beruna. She doesn’t fear Aslan and joins him when he passes her school.
Miss Prizzle
Miss Prizzle teaches at a girls’ school in Beruna. In her strictness, she chastises Gwendolen. She fears Aslan and flees when he passes by her classroom.
Prunaprismia is King Miraz’s wife and Prince Caspian’s aunt Although childless for many years, when she finally gives birth to a son, this sends Caspian into hiding.