Prince Caspian


C. S. Lewis

Glenstorm Character Analysis

Glenstorm the centaur is a friend of Trufflehunter, Trumpkin, and Nikabrik. A natural astronomer and prophet, he understands immediately that Prince Caspian is destined to overthrow his wicked uncle, King Miraz, and restore peace to Narnia. Glenstorm rouses the young prince up for the fight. He frequently fulfils important roles on the Old Narnian side, including accompanying Edmund to deliver Peter’s challenge to Miraz and standing as one of the marshals during Peter’s and Miraz’s combat.

Glenstorm Quotes in Prince Caspian

The Prince Caspian quotes below are all either spoken by Glenstorm or refer to Glenstorm. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 6: The People that Lived in Hiding Quotes

Up till now neither Caspian nor the others had really been thinking of a war. They had some vague idea, perhaps, of an occasional raid on some Human farmstead or of attacking a party of hunters, if it ventured too far into these southern wilds. But, in the main, they had thought only of living to themselves in woods and caves and building up an attempt at Old Narnia in hiding. As soon as Glenstorm had spoken, everyone felt much more serious.

“Do you mean a real war to drive Miraz out of Narnia?” asked Caspian.

“What else,” said the Centaur [...].

“Is it possible, Glenstorm?” asked the Badger [...].

“Tarva and Alambil have met in the halls of high heaven, and on earth a son of Adam has once more arisen to rule and name the creatures […]. Our council at the Dancing Lawn must be a council of war,” [said Glenstorm].

Related Characters: Caspian (speaker), Trufflehunter (speaker), Glenstorm (speaker), Trumpkin/the Dwarf/D.L.F., Nikabrik, Miraz
Page Number: 81-82
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Glenstorm Quotes in Prince Caspian

The Prince Caspian quotes below are all either spoken by Glenstorm or refer to Glenstorm. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 6: The People that Lived in Hiding Quotes

Up till now neither Caspian nor the others had really been thinking of a war. They had some vague idea, perhaps, of an occasional raid on some Human farmstead or of attacking a party of hunters, if it ventured too far into these southern wilds. But, in the main, they had thought only of living to themselves in woods and caves and building up an attempt at Old Narnia in hiding. As soon as Glenstorm had spoken, everyone felt much more serious.

“Do you mean a real war to drive Miraz out of Narnia?” asked Caspian.

“What else,” said the Centaur [...].

“Is it possible, Glenstorm?” asked the Badger [...].

“Tarva and Alambil have met in the halls of high heaven, and on earth a son of Adam has once more arisen to rule and name the creatures […]. Our council at the Dancing Lawn must be a council of war,” [said Glenstorm].

Related Characters: Caspian (speaker), Trufflehunter (speaker), Glenstorm (speaker), Trumpkin/the Dwarf/D.L.F., Nikabrik, Miraz
Page Number: 81-82
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